Altucher: The secret of the most successful person I know

From James Altucher, editor, Top 1% Advisory: I’d lost him millions. I’d stolen his best employees. He had no reason to keep in touch with me.

He meets thousands of people every year. But when he got a gift from me (a copy of my new book), he immediately called to say thank you.

It cost him maybe two minutes of his time.

It struck me Pat had a key ingredient to success I simply didn’t have… and still have trouble with. He picked up the phone, called me, and said hello.

He did the “check-in.”

That’s Pat’s personal theme for success. I’m really bad at it. Even if my best friends write me, I sometimes don’t return their emails. I’ve actually lost friends over this and still do. At least one each month. I don’t know why I do this. Something’s wrong with me.

A “thank you” is like putting a little bit of money in a savings account and watching it compound over time. Eventually, a thousand little “thank you” messages create an enormous amount of goodwill in your account… waiting for you to withdraw success from it.

That’s why Pat’s probably worth billions by now.

Reeves’ Note: James may not be worth billions (just millions)… but he turned $2,000 into $10 million from his kitchen table in just nine months. He’s made a fortune using the same investing ideas as some of the biggest hedge funds and venture capitalists.

To learn his secret, plus the “backdoor” way you can make five to 10 times your money on the biggest trends in America, click here.