Are the Bulls Being Set Up?

Nick’s Note: Expect the marijuana industry to break out in 2018, which means massive gains from weed stocks. Meanwhile, the retail and banking sectors continue to churn out steady profits, with tailwinds behind both.

Still, warning signs are pointing to short-term turbulence in the current bull market. If there is, you’ll want to consider adding this little-known chaos hedge to your portfolio…

Avoid This New Marijuana Fund—Buy These Stocks Instead
Last year, the marijuana industry grew 30%. That’s nine times faster than the entire U.S. economy grew in 2016. And this boom has only just begun

Why the New “Omni-Shopper” Is Choosing Walmart
While most investors will be lamenting the “death of retail” or looking for the next hot online retailer… we’ll follow the omni-shopper to profits

The Fed Is Giving Banks a Profit Boost—Two Ways to Ride Along
Bank investors are celebrating President Trump’s new Fed chair nominee. A week after his confirmation hearing, bank stocks shot up 6.1%. If you followed our advice back in February, you’d be celebrating as well


Here’s How to Make 14% Hoarding Junk Silver
Precious metals like silver are chaos hedges. They act as a form of insurance against things that could go wrong. We’re usually willing to give up some upside on chaos hedges to protect against market crashes. Here’s how you can make a 14% return on silver—all while hedging your portfolio

I’m Sitting Out the Year-End Stock Rally
There’s no doubt, the bull market is alive and well. But I can’t shake the feeling that the bulls are being set up on this recent move

Nick’s Note:
Before I start my trading day, I always check my inbox at 7:30 a.m. ET for Jeff Clark’s Market Minute.

Each day, Jeff has new market insights that always improve my trading performance… like which charts to watch during the week ahead… which technical indicators to use… or just some tried-and-true strategies from his 30-plus years as an option trader.

I asked Jeff if I could share his newsletter with my Daily readers. And he set up a link you can use to subscribe to the Market Minute with just one click. It’s completely free and should give you the same trading edge I get from reading Market Minute every day. Click here to get started.


[URGENT] Top-level intel confirms the next major bull market will be in commodities. Acting on these 12 targeted plays now could make you a fortune in 2018
How would you like to hear from a legendary investor on how commodities could make you rich?
This is something that private investors rarely ever get to see.
And if you act on his information before December 18th, you could make $50,070 by investing in the 12 investment plays. You can get the full story here.

World’s top hedge fund gains 145% with marijuana stocks
The secret’s out… Marijuana stocks helped the world’s top-performing hedge fund gain 145%. Bloomberg reported TNR fund used pot stocks to beat out 10,000 other funds to become the world’s best-performing hedge fund. We’re at the start of the biggest marijuana boom of our lifetime. And it’s only going to get bigger on Jan. 1 when California legalizes recreational pot. If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines and missing out on today’s marijuana mania, you still have time. We’ve discovered 3 pot stocks set to soar after Jan. 1. Click here to find out what they are. Click here to find out what they are.

Congress Passes (AV-START) Act, Secures Future for Strange, American Car
Republicans and Democrats unanimously passed the AV-Start Act, which paves the way for carmakers to roll out an unusual piece of automotive technology. Within the next 2 years, we could see 10 million of these cars on the roads—a 49,000% increase from today.