Editor’s bombshell: The CIA taught me “to lie, betray, and not tell the truth to the public”

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. It’s the second-largest German newspaper. That’s the equivalent of The New York Times in the U.S. It has readers in 148 countries.

Ulfkotte admitted he planted stories written by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in his newspaper. He says he’s only coming out now because he has no children and believes he has only a few more years left to live.

Regular Daily readers know the confession doesn’t surprise us. We maintain a healthy skepticism of all Establishment “news.” Often this provides great investment opportunities… as we take the other side of what’s being hyped to the masses at any given time.

Ulfkotte’s story is as incredible as it is disturbing. And as he explains, the CIA’s grip goes far beyond his one newspaper