Government Reveals: 50 million people narrowly avoided total catastrophe

nuclear bomb explosion

The margin against imposing martial law on 50 million citizens was “paper-thin”…

Former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan reveals how close Tokyo came to disaster in a new Telegraph interview.

The 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown almost prompted Kan to evacuate all of Tokyo over radiation concerns.

Beyond the human tragedy, imagine the effect on world financial markets…

Tokyo is the fifth-largest financial hub on Earth. It hosts the highest number (51) of Fortune Global 500 companies in the world. And all of it would have come crashing down in an instant…

Bottom line: There’s a reason we “pound the table” on diverse asset allocation. Someone invested 100% in stocks could have seen his net worth plummet 30% (or more) overnight. Someone “all in” on Tokyo real estate would have lost everything.

Review the PBRG 2016 Asset Allocation Guide right here.