How to slash your summer air conditioning bill by up to 40%

Thermometer Reading One Hundred Degrees On A Weathered Wall Of Wooden Shingles

In the summer, air conditioning can account for 60-70% of your electricity bill. Here are some easy ways to cut back on this costly necessity:

  • Plant large deciduous trees west and northwest of your house. These can block enough sunlight to save up to 35% on air conditioning bills.

  • Keep your air filters clean so they don’t become dirty or blocked.

  • Invest in reusable, washable filters, which will pay for themselves over time.

  • Check the seals surrounding your AC unit and make sure there are no gaps that can leak air.

  • If your unit is old, invest in a new one. Newer AC units are infinitely more efficient.

  • Install solar screens on your windows. These mesh-like screens can block up to 70% of sunlight and are especially effective on east- and west-facing windows.

  • Paint your roof white. Researchers found that in sunny climates, buildings with white roofs needed up to 40% less energy to stay cool than those with dark roofs. (In southern states, you can find inexpensive elastomeric coatings at your local hardware store. They are durable and waterproof—and they will increase your roof’s life span as well.)

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