I Love My Country but I’m Embarrassed By My Government

Friends, I’m going to do something I’ve never done before in the pages of the Palm Beach Daily.

I’m going to get on my soap box. Because there’s something I want to get off my chest.

America is in a “doom loop”…

It pains me to say this.

But our country is about to tip over the edge from dollar superpower to dollar collapse.

You’ve probably heard me talk about this doom loop recently. It’s when out-of-control spending creates rampant inflation.

That rampant inflation collapses the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar.

You don’t need me to tell you this. You see it every day when you go to the grocery store or fill up your tank.

You see the price of college tuition go up… The price of home ownership go up – deferring the American dream for millions of people.

That’s what I mean by “doom loop.”

Now, I’m no pessimist.

I love America in a way that – unless you’ve experienced what I’ve experienced in life ­­– is hard to understand.

I wasn’t born in the United States. I grew up in Britain’s foster care system. I lived in a cramped, unheated room on top of a garage.

At night, I watched my breath coil into a frigid mist. And the future looked as bleak as my tiny room.

Since I was 12, I dreamed of working in the stock market. I shared that dream with my school job counselor. His response? He told me to be more realistic.

“Be a telephone repairman,” he advised me.

But I knew in my heart my future was in the financial markets.

As a teenager trapped in the foster care system, I soon realized no one was going to rescue me… That meant I had to rescue myself.

So when I turned 16, I left for America.

I arrived in this country in 1987… With only $150 in my pocket and literally the clothes on my back.

America allowed a me to become a self-made multimillionaire. American capitalism made that happen.

That’s one of many reasons why I love America.

But to see the government of the country I love ripping our currency apart in front of us…

I hate that.

I Hate Seeing What’s Happening to the Country I Love

Our government is $33 trillion in the hole. That’s more than $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in America.

This is the burden you, your children, and your children’s children will have to carry.

All because of reckless government spending.

Washington could solve the debt crisis with some serious belt-tightening. But imagine a politician running a campaign with this promise:

If you elect me, I’ll cut your Social Security check and Medicare benefits, You won’t get any food stamps, either… And by the way, I’m going to double your taxes, too.

What are the chances of that happening?

Cutting welfare and raising taxes is the quickest way for any politician to lose an election. So that’s not going to happen.

The truth of the matter is this: The U.S. government can’t go bankrupt.

That’s because the Federal Reserve can always print more dollars. And if there’s one thing the government knows how to do, it’s printing money.

So it will have no choice but to print more money to pay down all this debt.

If the government continues to print more money, that will increase inflation and decrease your purchasing power.

That’s why I say we’re in a doom loop.

I know when I say we’re in a “doom loop,” it feels like I’m attacking the country I love.

I’m certainly attacking the government for its boneheaded decisions… But not this country.

This country continues to be the greatest country in the world.

What makes America great is the American people. Specifically, our desire to be free.

Free to protect our families in the way we want… To raise our children in the way we want. To be comfortable in the way we want… To create wealth in the way we want… To seek a dignified retirement in the way we want.

That freedom allowed a foster child from the U.K. to make it big.

But there are people in our government who think they know better than we do.

They don’t care about us. They don’t care about this country we love. They only care about their power.

They care about enriching themselves at the public trough… Like hogs just feeding themselves until their bellies split open.

But who pays for their food? We do.

They devalue our dollars and never think twice about it.

And why should they?

They live in a consequence-free environment. But it’s not consequence free for you and me.

Eroding Your Buying Power is Eroding Your Freedom

The value of your dollars are going to collapse at a pace that we haven’t seen since the Great Inflation of the 1970s.

If you had $1 in your savings account in 1970… by 1980 you needed $2.12 to buy the same amount of goods that you could buy 10 years earlier.

In other words, inflation cut your buying power by more than half.

I believe things will be worse now…

In 1970 our debt-to-GDP ratio was 35%. Today it’s pushing 130%.

If we lost 50% of our purchasing power in the ‘70s when debt-to-GDP was three times less than it is now, how much purchasing power will we lose this decade?

The only thing propping up the U.S. dollar is the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. But faith in our currency among our global trading partners is fading fast.

China, Japan, Russia, Brazil, India and Saudi Arabia are all dumping the dollar.

That means there’s only one way the government can cover its debt: Print money.

The national deficit – the difference between what the government generates through taxes and what it pays in expenses – is $1.7 trillion and growing.

The Federal Reserve will have no choice but to print more money to cover that shortfall.

I believe it’ll print even more than the $4.7 trillion printed during the pandemic.

What will all that money printing do to the value of your dollar?

It will crush it.

And the typical ways of escaping the erosion of your purchasing power – gold, real estate, and stocks – they won’t be able to keep up.

They can’t move up far enough and fast enough to offset the reduction in value of the dollars you hold.

Fortunately, there’s a new type of asset today that didn’t exist in the 1970s.

It’s the only asset I know of that can help you maintain your financial freedom in an era of rampant dollar destruction.

I’m talking about bitcoin.

The Way Forward

Friends, I know talking about bitcoin may seem tone deaf at this time. But nothing could be further from the truth.

The developers of bitcoin created this asset as a tool for financial freedom.

Let me repeat that: Bitcoin is a tool of financial freedom.

Bitcoin arose out of the ashes of the 2008 Great Financial Crisis.

It’s entire premise is sound money. You can’t create more bitcoin outside of its preprogrammed issuance schedule. That’s built into its code. There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin.

It’s a peer-to-peer network. That means you don’t need a middleman to handle transactions.

Participants don’t need anyone’s permission to use it. And they can transact from anywhere in the world at any time.

Friends, this is pure capitalism. This is the principle America was founded upon.

Men and women freely transacting in a free market without government interference.

As governments around the world continue to impose their wills on their populations… people turn to digital currencies like bitcoin to win back their freedom of choice.

Whether it’s the loss of financial privacy… devaluation of paper money… capital controls in China… or government-sponsored payment bans… digital currencies like bitcoin are stepping in to bridge the gap between what the people want… and what governments will “let” them have.

We’re very fortunate that an asset like this exists today.

For this reason, I believe the demand for bitcoin will skyrocket.

Over the coming years, I expect bitcoin will hit $500,000. That’s a 1,277% gain from today’s price (at the time of writing).

And as bitcoin goes, so does the altcoins (all other cryptos other than bitcoin).

That’s why I recently held a special briefing to share details about five tiny cryptos I believe can help you turn $1,000 into a retirement nest egg.

(You can replay the stream right here.)

The last time the dollar had a similar crisis, my readers had a chance to make 27 times…. 56 times… and even 850 times their money – in less than two years.

The beauty of crypto is that you can put a small amount of money in this asset and potentially see it radically increase in value.

As this money printer turns on just like it did in 2020, I believe the profits from these coins will shelter you as the rest of the world falls apart around us.

You’ll see friends and neighbors struggling. They won’t be able to buy new cars… a new house… send their kids to the college they want… or go to the restaurants they want to.

But you will be able to. And your secret will be these five coins that you took the decision to own before the money printing started.

Friends, there’s nothing you and I can do about rampant government pending. Our voices don’t matter to those in power.

We can yell and we can scream and we can cry and we can complain… And the talking heads will just keep talking.

It’s incumbent upon us as Americans to save ourselves.

We live in a country that was built by men and women who freed themselves from governmental oppression.

They didn’t wait for the government to give them free money. That’s not who we are. That’s not what built this amazing nation.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T