Just one of these 7 deadly habits of debt can bring you financial ruin

Credit.com just published its list of the “Seven Habits Leading You Into Debt.” The list addresses several different areas of spending… but there’s a common theme throughout: You’re doing them without even recognizing it.

Remember, the power of compounding works both ways. Positive compounding will ensure you amass great wealth over time. But negative compounding—those little ways in which you spend your life away, dollar by dollar—will leave you broke and dependent. Here’s the list:

  1. Online shopping (deals and downloads)

  2. Eating out, after-work drinks, or a Starbucks habit

  3. Grand gestures (“This round’s on me!”)

  4. Smoking

  5. Wandering the aisles at stores

  6. Gambling/lottery tickets

  7. Paying late or paying the minimum.

Click here to read the details behind the top debt-causing evils.