Legendary investor warns: Collapse is “practically unavoidable”…

Standing dominoes on bank notes

Editor’s Note: Below we share the most valuable wealth-building insights we’ve found over the last week. We also offer you the chance to peruse the best-selling services in our industry.

$  Firm’s Little-Known Report on Beating the Market Revealed: Over a period of 10 years, one of America’s most famous banking firms conducted an extensive study on one particular strategy… a strategy that can beat the market by more than 10-to-1… without even trading stocks. Our friends at the Sovereign Society have deciphered their strategy here.


  “What if you were appointed to head the Fed? In your first week on the job, what would you do?”

The question was not exactly serious. Neither was the answer.

“We’d call in sick.”

In this can’t-miss editorial masterpiece, Agora Inc. Founder Bill Bonner explains, once and for all, “Yes, the dollar should be backed by gold…”


$  The Election Story No One’s Telling: Are all of the presidential candidates hiding a dirty secret? It has to do with your Social Security money… You see, millions of Americans are going to see their Social Security benefits trimmed—just days BEFORE inauguration. Some folks could lose as much as three months’ worth of checks. This video tells the full story. And it will also show you how to get thousands of dollars more income every month


  You may know George Soros as the legendary investor who “broke the Bank of England” in 1992. He’s one of the richest people on the planet, and probably the second most famous investor in the world after Warren Buffett.

Soros’ incredible track record has made him a household name. And now, he says collapse is “practically unavoidable.” Read more right here


$  Rickards: You’ll Never Guess Who’s Plotting to Destroy the U.S. A small army of researchers, led by Jim Rickards, recently discovered something shocking… And one tiny action from you today could make you a fortune while almost everyone else gets burned by the coming war. Will you join the growing number of prepared Americans? Or will you allow your savings to be wiped out by the peril that’s unfolding? Click here to learn how you can protect yourself.


  Venezuela doesn’t have the money to pay for its money…

The Wall Street Journal reports three dozen 747 jets have begun importing a vital commodity into Venezuela: cash. Find out why here


$  Bill Bonner Predicts: World-Altering Shock #6. Since 1979, there have been five truly world-shattering events. Incredibly… a small, private network of researchers from Baltimore has predicted every single one so far. Today, its founder is predicting a sixth major shock on track to hit right here in the heart of America. Are you, your family, and your money prepared? Find out here.


  The death of privacy in general, and financial privacy in particular, will have far-reaching sociopolitical consequences. It will irrevocably skew the balance of power in favor of the government and against the individual.

Casey Research’s Nick Giambruno, senior editor of International Man, calls it “the new feudalism.” A world without privacy is a giant step backward for human freedom. It’s the new Dark Ages that George Orwell grimly predicted. Read more here


$  Shocking Footage From Outside the Door of Our Affiliate’s Building: You’ve got to see this… It’s footage from Baltimore, MD, right on the front doorstep of our affiliate’s headquarters. And you won’t believe what they caught this woman (named Charro) doing on camera… It’s really one of those things you HAVE to see with your OWN two eyes. Click here to see the UNCENSORED CAMERA FOOTAGE.


$  Legendary speculator and Casey Research Founder Doug Casey has found extraordinary gains of up to 4,329% in a largely ignored, hyper-profitable niche of the world currency markets. In fact, he says it’s the “greatest currency trend” of his 40-year career…

To learn more about this incredible opportunity, click here or watch the video below…