P2P praise, a 401(k) request, and a glove box full of IOUs in today’s mailbag…

From Tama C.: Hey Tom and William, I’m a big fan of the Daily, but I have a small point of clarification to make. It’s regarding your recent piece on “backing out the cash.”

While I agree with the general idea behind the valuation metric, I think you need to use NET cash (i.e., NET of debt) for it to mean anything.

There’s no point in adjusting the earnings per share (EPS) for cash if the company is carrying substantial debt…

… In other words, the cash in the glove box isn’t worth so much if a stack of IOUs comes with it!

Tom’s Response: Agreed.

From Dick E.: Just got around to reading Grant’s write-up on the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) LendIt Conference. His notes grasp the excitement of the meeting. He also provides valuable information about the current lending landscape, and some of the top players making things happen. Thanks, Grant… job well done!

From Dave D.: Hello to all at PBRG! I have an idea I’d love to see tackled by your top-notch staff.

We all know Mark is big on starting businesses. But there’s one thing I don’t ever recall seeing anything written about (I’ve been with PBRG since day one): retirement plan options for those of us starting our own businesses.

I’ve been on my own for three years as an “S-corporation” independent contractor. I’d love to know what my options are—with detailed info about each—so I can decide what is right for me.

Not all of us have access to the typical 401(k). How about something for those of us who have to go a different route? Thanks!

Reeves’ Comment: Thanks for writing in with your request, Dave. We’re looking into this issue. We’ll let you know what we come up with…