Penny “stock” ALERT: 64% of asset managers expect to use this $13 breakthrough tech within the next 5 years

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Editor’s Note: Below we share the most valuable wealth-building insights we’ve found over the last week. We also offer you the chance to peruse the best-selling services that offer promotional discounts at this time.

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$  A crisis 5 times BIGGER than Brexit could start on December 4th. Remember Brexit? It slammed the Dow down 3.6% in one day, erasing $800 billion in value. And it dragged the pound down to 31-year lows… Well a similar crisis is brewing in mainland Europe that could bring the entire European Union down in one fell swoop. But this other crisis is 5 times BIGGER than Brexit… Here’s the entire story


$  [URGENT] Will You Still Buy Gold After Watching This 63-Second Clip? There’s an URGENT new theory on gold that you have to see… It’s so urgent, in fact, Jim Rickards dropped everything to record a short 63-second video clip. After you hear what he says, you may question everything you know about gold. Including the recent price action… Will you still buy gold after watching THIS?


$  You Won’t Believe What Happens When She Goes to the Bank [55,000 ATMs Could Shut Down]. This short clip has gone viral… A young woman tries to take money out of the ATM, but instead, she discovers the scary truth about the U.S. banking system. If you have any money on deposit in American banks, you need to see what happens in the first 90 seconds of this footage.


$  Self-made millionaire explains why he invests in divorce, death, and debt: Bad things happen. And self-made millionaire investor James Altucher isn’t afraid to make money when they do. Especially because he refuses to pay full price for an investment. In his latest research, he explains how he turns the “Three Ds,” divorce, death, and debt, into profits.


$  One of the Biggest Speculations Bonner & Partners Has Uncovered in the History of Its Business: Three powerful forces have converged on this one moment in time, giving you the real chance at massive wealth creation. The last time this happened, investors had the chance to make several times their money… Click here to learn more.

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  Antonio lost everything… then he shot himself.

Antonio was a 67-year-old Italian retiree. He was plagued by health problems and by the loss of his savings. He was wiped out by a bank “bail-in.” In despair, he shot himself.

Antonio was one of thousands of small savers who lost their life savings in so-called bank bail-ins in Italy. Their stories have become national news sensations. And generated intense anger.

Casey Research crisis investor Nick Giambruno is on the ground in Rome investigating the Italian bank crisis. And he says the situation is only going to get worse… Italy could be the first domino to fall in a global stock market crash. Read Nick’s shocking report from the front lines right here.

  Penny “stock” ALERT: 64% of asset managers expect to use this $13 breakthrough tech within the next 5 years…

The blockchain is a groundbreaking new technology. Some are calling it Internet 3.0. A new survey says that 64% of asset managers expect to use the blockchain within the next five years. And nearly half of those say the blockchain will play a larger role in their businesses… immediately.

But despite its rapid adoption, most investors still haven’t heard of the blockchain… or know exactly what it is. That gives those in the know a chance to get in early… before the herd starts rumbling through… and snag substantial gains.

There’s still time to invest in the blockchain… but you must act soon. The elevator is about to leave the ground floor… and take gains of up to 3,400% with it. Learn what it is… and how you can get in on the ride to the top… right here.

  We’re seeing the triggers for a global economic meltdown.

The fall of the Soviet Union… The collapse of the Japanese stock market… The dot-com bust in 2000… The rise of Muslim terrorism…. And the financial meltdown of 2008…

Right now, the founder of America’s largest network of independent news and research publishers believes we’re going to see a sixth event… right here in the very heart of America.

The following is a direct message about what’s going on… and how you can protect yourself. Click here or below to watch the details in this free video