Pre-Unicorn IPOs Can Create Millionaires Overnight

Every 25 years or so, a new technology comes along that’s so disruptive it completely shakes up the business world…

This new tech makes some people very rich… while also destroying entire industries and eliminating millions of jobs.

Take the last technological shift, for example: the internet.

Amazon put booksellers like Borders and thousands of other brick-and-mortar stores out of business…

But it’s also helped millions easily sell their products throughout the world. Of course, it’s been a life-changer for early investors, who’ve made 170,900% since 1997. That’s a big enough move to turn a $10,000 investment into about $17.1 million.

Netflix put Blockbuster and countless other video stores out of business and is currently threatening cable companies…

But it’s also improved the way TV and movies are made – while handing investors gains of 40,950% over the past 19 years. Although not as impressive as Amazon, it still would’ve turned $10,000 into about $4.1 million.

And Apple’s iPhone disrupted the entire personal device industry. Apple eliminated the need for watches, cassette tape players, and even laptop computers with just one gadget.

Since the iPhone’s introduction in 2007, Apple shares have delivered peak gains of 2,760%. Investors lucky enough to get in and stay in would’ve made $286,000 from a $10,000 investment.

Here’s the thing…

It took years – and, in some cases, decades – to make those types of massive gains from disruptors like Netflix, Amazon, and Apple.

But I’ve found a way to accelerate that wealth journey from decades to as little as 24 hours.

The Formula to Accelerate Your Wealth

In my experience, no other market event creates more overnight millionaires than a pre-unicorn going public.

Here’s what I mean by that…

A unicorn is a private company with a valuation of $1 billion or more. A pre-unicorn is a company still below a private-market value of $1 billion.

It’s crucial to find pre-unicorns early because once they cross $1 billion as a private company… their chances of becoming a multibillion-dollar company increase exponentially.

But you can’t invest in just any early startup and hope it becomes a pre-unicorn. You need a game plan.

As you go on your own hunt for pre unicorns, you need to look for companies:

  • Poised to disrupt a massive industry: Just like Amazon completely disrupted the bookselling industry (and eventually the entire retail industry)… Netflix disrupted the entire video rental industry and created a new video streaming industry… And Apple completely reinvented the personal device with the smartphone.

    Remember: A massive unicorn in the making will be looking to unmake an entire industry.

  • Still in its early stages: This means the private company’s value is less than $1 billion. So it’s still in its pre-unicorn stages.

  • And have an IPO on the horizon: This is the real secret to making life-changing gains. You must find a way to get into the deal before it goes public.

Friends, you’ve been told your entire life that if you wanted a shot at complete financial freedom, you’d have to invest for decades and decades… But getting into the right pre-unicorn early can cut that entire journey down to as little as 24 hours.

Helping You Find the Right Pre-Unicorns

For decades, pre-unicorn deals were reserved for insiders and the Silicon Valley elite. Everyday folks on Main Street were locked out of them.

I want to change that… So I had my team find a pre-unicorn opportunity that checks all three of the criteria I outlined above. And I’m excited to share that opportunity with you.

It’s using cutting-edge technology to disrupt a $160 billion market. Its current valuation is under $100 million… and it has an IPO on the horizon.

Last week, I shared details on how to access this rare 24/7 freedom in 24 hours idea during a special event. Nearly 19,000 people attended, and you can watch a replay here for a limited time.

Pre-unicorns are like getting in on the ground floor of Amazon with Jeff Bezos… So if you’re looking to take your first steps to achieve 24/7 freedom in 24 hours, follow our three-step checklist.

Remember, if you want to go from zero to 24/7 freedom in the first 24 hours of trading… the company you invest in must be on the path to disrupting a massive market.

Because once it becomes a multibillion-dollar company… It’s too late.

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily