Seven ways to eat like a billionaire

From Mark Ford, editor, Creating Wealth: Food is fuel. So say some fitness gurus.

“Give your body what it needs to run and nothing else. You’ll be healthier—and that’s the most important thing.”

There are moments when I believe that. But they aren’t long moments.

Hunger sets in, and I want to eat—and not just rabbit food. I want something substantial, luxurious, and satisfying.

Eating. Sleeping. Sex. Do them perfunctorily—as those fitness gurus might advise—and they’ll feel like perfunctory experiences.

Apply a little passion and imagination, and they can transform your life.

My position? Make them count.

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And so, make each meal a good one.

It doesn’t take as much effort as you might imagine. And it isn’t expensive either.

You can eat as well as any billionaire for a tiny fraction of a normal income.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to eat well… you just need to spend time. And you need to care.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Know the enemy. Don’t eat foods that are bad for you. This includes foods that—although they may taste good—make you sick or tired. Many people are sensitive to dairy and wheat products, yet they either don’t know or don’t care. There are so many good things to eat. Why make yourself miserable for a cheap, temporary thrill?
  2. Eat twice. People who love cooking enjoy their meals three times. First in the planning, next in the making, and last in the eating. So even if you don’t cook, plan your meals. You don’t have to spend hours with recipe books and calendars.

    If you take a few minutes each morning thinking about what you’ll eat, you’ll find (a) your pleasure will increase due to the joy of anticipation, (b) your selection of food will improve because of the little extra thought you’ve invested, and (c) your midsection may thin a bit because planned meals—studies say—are healthier for you.

  3. Respect the Epicureans. Some people associate Epicurus with gluttony. But that’s a mistake… he was all about moderation.

    You can have too much of a good thing. Anyone who appreciates Entenmann’s chocolate doughnuts knows this. The trick to eating good meals is, in part, eating no more than the optimum amount of any one thing. This applies to all foods, but it’s especially true of the foods you like.

    If you eat more than the optimum, two bad things will happen: (a) Your pleasure is reduced to the point where you find no more pleasure at all, and (b) you suffer some negative side effect (you gain weight or develop stomach problems).

    One example: beer. Under the right circumstances, no one loves a cold beer more than I do. But I’ve noticed the second beer is much less tasty… and not as good at quenching my thirst. The third is even worse. The only reason for me to keep drinking beers is to get beer-drunk—not something I really enjoy. For me, beer has an optimum consumption level of one bottle. If I need more alcohol than can be provided by a single bottle of beer, I switch to another beverage—one that still tastes good after three or four. (Wine is the best choice in this case.)

  4. Expand time. I like to do everything fast—especially eating. The entrepreneur in my brain wants to move on to the next thing. This meal? It’s just something I need to take care of. But I know from experience I can’t taste food when I wolf it down. When I take my time, I enjoy the meal. Occasionally, I also enjoy a conversation. And my dining partner doesn’t have to watch me eat like a pig.
  5. Stay focused. I don’t believe in multitasking. And this applies to eating, too. Yes, it’s possible to eat and read or work at the same time. But you won’t enjoy your meal as much as you could. My recommendation is to eat good food slowly and in good company. Make each bite count. Enjoy the experience.
  6. Go for quality. Choose good ingredients. In addition to mentally preparing to enjoy your meal (which is the most important requirement in making it a good one), select high-quality foods that are good for you.
  7. Dine with friends. Eating is best when it’s social. You’ll enjoy yourself more and build bonds with other people. You’ll also eat slower—and less. Nobody wants to be the glutton at the table.

A few years ago, I read a book called NeanderThin: A Caveman’s Guide to Nutrition by Ray Audette.

Ray cured his diabetes and arthritis by swearing off all modern (processed) foods.

He stuck to a diet you could get “with a stick, naked in the desert.”

These are his 10 commandments:

DO eat:

  • Any fresh fish or meat
  • Any fruit
  • Any (fresh) vegetable
  • Any nut (peanuts aren’t nuts)
  • Any berry.

DO NOT eat:

  • Wheat products
  • Processed meats or vegetables
  • Dairy products
  • Beans
  • Tubers (such as potatoes).

This is a version of the high-fat, low-carb diet I’ve recommended before.

Eating this way will make your meals better by:

  • Giving you more energy (carbs deplete energy, contrary to popular belief)
  • Reducing your cravings for more food than you need
  • Building tissue, tendons, and cartilage
  • Improving your immune system
  • Making you leaner and more muscular.

Reeves’ Note: Mark credits part of his success to his conscious effort to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. In the December issue of Creating Wealth, he reveals some of his tricks for staying present and positive. Subscribers can access it here.

Creating Wealth is a “holistic” wealth advisory normally retailing for $199 per year. It’s provided free to readers of The Palm Beach Letter and Mega Trends Investing.