Stop doing this common, damaging nighttime ritual IMMEDIATELY

Using your smartphone or tablet right before sleep isn’t just disrupting your sleep cycle… it’s damaging your health. Dr. Dan Siegel is a professor of clinical psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine. In the two-minute clip below, he explains the deleterious health effects caused by gazing into the phone before bed. Don’t miss it.

Now… even though you know how bad it is… we know a lot of people won’t stop this bad habit. So, here’s a way to “cheat”: It’s a program called F.lux.

F.lux adjusts the hues of your screen depending on the time. When it’s daylight, the screen is bright and powerful. Into the nighttime hours, it tones down most of the screen’s high-intensity light… allowing your brain to start unwinding. It’s available for the iPhone, iPad, and Apple computers, and it’s 100% free.

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Dow Heading for Historic Drop—Take Immediate Action

World-renowned economist Harry Dent now says, “We’ll see an historic drop to 6,000… and when the dust settles—it’ll plummet to 3,300. Along the way, we’ll see another real estate collapse, gold will sink to $750 an ounce and unemployment will skyrocket… It’s going to get ugly.” 
Considering his near-perfect track record of predicting economic events long before they occur, you need to take action to protect yourself now.
Full details are here.