Subscribers’ support for PBRG Editor-in-Chief Jeff Remsburg overflows in the 3/31/2015 mailbag…

From Phyllis R.: Jeff Remsburg, your response to Ken’s letter about peer-to-peer (P2P) lending (from March’s issue of The Palm Beach Letter) was a model of courtesy and clarity. You dealt specifically with each of his concerns and with great politeness, whereas you could have been nasty and/or sarcastic. Well done. Very gentlemanly.

From Bryan T.: I am writing in response to the Jeff/Ken question posed in last week’s Palm Beach Daily. Jeff’s response is totally on the mark and rational.

I think Ken made the same mistake I have made numerous times—once his emotions got riled up about something he read, he didn’t give himself a cool-down period before he fired the message back to you guys.

I strive to not do that sort of thing, but it’s difficult.

From Joe E.: I agree with Jeff. Ken is acting like a spoiled 2-year-old. He should count his lucky stars that he has access to all of The Palm Beach Letter’s recommendations.

Did you buy Walmart, Microsoft, Apple, etc., when they first came out, or are you going to blame those missed opportunities on someone else? Would you have even known about any of these investments without your subscription to The Palm Beach Letter? I’m happy with the recommendations from PBL for the last four years.

From Shad H.: I’m responding to the mailbag of the upset subscriber regarding P2P lending. I, and I’m sure all subscribers, would like to see a complete list of results (winners/losers/gains/losses) of the recommendations made in PBL. Not just the big winners as outlined in Jeff’s response.

Looking forward to seeing them!

Reeves’ Comment: Shad, all Palm Beach Letter subscribers can view its three-year report card right here. And keep your eyes open… the PBL four-year report card will be out soon…

From James-Joseph G.: The zeitgeist of our culture today has led many to perceive without perspective, a resultant victim mentality when individuals carry rights like a chip on their shoulder.

Jeff is correct—but even more so, kind and patient—in his address to a perspective wherein an individual publicly behaves as if it were respectable to accuse others for their own vapid realities.

Reeves’ Comment: Well said, James-Joseph. Jeff’s example is one I seek to emulate. I don’t always succeed… but it’s the type of quality service and understanding our subscribers deserve.