Suggestions for a healthy life keep the mailbag overflowing…

From Sue K.: Mark, I completely agree with everything you wrote in the May 25 Daily, about the body’s ability to heal itself. I, too, believe that if you give your body the nutrition, vitamins, and minerals it needs at every step of the digestion process, it can heal and rejuvenate itself.

From William H.: At 73 years old, I have been alternating early morning weight training with interval running for the past 25 years. I take a walk with my wife in the afternoon and try to eat healthy. My blood pressure has stubbornly remained at 140-160/70-80, even with prescribed medication.

A couple of weeks ago, I began using the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. So far, the results have been dramatic: My blood pressure is now in the 90-110/60-70 range. I will continue to monitor and let you know after another month if 4-7-8 breathing has solved my blood pressure problem for good.

From Edward G.: Mark is 100% right—the body does heal itself. I started making smoothies loaded with garden greens, vegetables, and fruits. “Supercharge your health in just seconds a day!”

At 87.5 years old, I just got off the golf course and feel rejuvenated from the exercise. I shot my normal 100 score and had a lot of fun doing it. Good report, Mark!

From Ellis P.: How I keep healthy and never get sick: I play the piano. By playing music that inspires me, the endorphins (the happy hormones) multiply. No room for depression or Alzheimer’s disease. I don’t drink alcohol, smoke, or eat junk food. (I still have all my teeth, except two wisdom teeth.)

If everybody were like me, the dentists and the doctors would quit their professions. I appreciate Mark’s advice. It resonates with how I keep healthy. At 89, I’m in my golden years and still mentally sharp. Thanks for this chance to express my side on this issue.

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