The Bitcoin Halving Is About to Start

“You sound like a broken record, Tiwari. Where are all the profits you promised me?”

The early 1990s were a tough time for a young stockbroker just starting out.

We had just come off a decade of epic stock performance, and everyone was convinced the good times were over. Then, along came the recession of ’90–’91, confirming everyone’s fears. Stock prices and sentiment got crushed lower.

Stock prices improved from there… And then 1994 hit. From ’94–’95, stocks just went sideways. It was a boring broad market, but if you were in tech, you were getting killed.

From ’94–’95, stocks like Microsoft dropped 25% and stayed in the same trading range for two years. Oracle dropped 40% and also stayed range bound, too. It was a bloodbath for tech investors… and I was neck-deep in tech stocks.

I was getting my lunch eaten. Hence, the angry phone call with my client calling me a broken record.

I remember getting those calls and responding, “Yes, I know I’ve been saying the same thing for two years. Yes, I know I’ve been telling you, ‘Don’t sell your Oracle stock. Don’t sell your Microsoft stock. Hold onto your positions.’”

But after a certain amount of time, the same message can ring hollow when you’re losing money.

Clients were thinking, “This is taking too long. I don’t want to wait. These prices aren’t reflecting what this guy is telling me is going to happen.”

I begged my clients to be patient. I explained we were on the cusp of an explosion in technology adoption.

The clients who stuck with me – those who looked at the long-term picture – would be up 6,376% on Microsoft and 7,509% on Oracle today, had they held onto their shares. If you put $5,000 into each position then, it would be worth about $704,250 combined today.

Thirty years ago, it was hard for my clients to believe tech would dominate their daily lives. They couldn’t imagine a computer on every desk or a phone in everyone’s hands.

Here we are, 30 years later, and I’m seeing the same story playing out in the crypto space.

Instead of getting angry phone calls, I’ve been getting exasperated emails that are almost word-for-word what I heard 30 years ago.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record (again), I’m going to show you why we’ll soon see an explosion in cryptos like we did in tech stocks in the 1990s.

Staying on Message

Over the past two months, you’ve heard me pound the drum on one message…

Every four years, two forces come together that shoot a handful of crypto coins into the stratosphere.

Along the way, they make thousands of early crypto investors multimillionaires. I call this event “The Phenomenon.”

If you’re familiar with this message, then you know the first force is called the “halving.” And it’s set to occur by tomorrow.

The halving is when the new supply of bitcoin is cut in half. It’s hardwired into bitcoin’s programming code. So it’s 100% guaranteed to happen.

And the last two times this rare phenomenon occurred (in 2012 and 2016), we saw crypto prices go up 22,800% and 3,247%, respectively, in just 19–21 months.

You also know the second force is all about demand.

You need to see a massive increase in demand… something the market has never seen before. And it’s this demand, along with the halving, that creates the Phenomenon.

I’ve drilled this message to readers for one simple reason: I think the Phenomenon is the single-best risk/reward scenario in the world right now.

It’s one of the few ideas in which you don’t have to risk a lot of money to potentially make a huge return.

Don’t Live With Regret

I know many of you may be weary of hearing this message – just like my clients in the early 1990s.

I’d be doing you a disservice by not repeating it over and over again. I want to make sure everyone has the chance to profit from this idea.

I understand some will dismiss it. I just ask you to give me a chance to convince you why the Phenomenon is the single-best setup you’ll ever see in the crypto market.

Just like tech stocks in the early 1990s, we’re on the cusp of mass adoption of crypto assets and the blockchain technology that powers this new asset class.

All the pieces for the Phenomenon are falling into place exactly as our models have suggested they would… which means 2020 could be an incredible year for crypto investors.

So I’m going to repeat the message: Don’t miss this opportunity. The Phenomenon is 100% guaranteed to happen.

If you let it slip by, the regret you’ll feel will last a lifetime. I know because I still regret getting out of the 1990s tech boom too early.

That’s why I urge you to watch the replay of my 5 Coins to $5 Million: Last Chance Until 2024 presentation.

In it, I’ll do everything I can to convince you to own a portfolio of a tiny subsector of crypto I believe still has the chance to transform a handful of $500 investments into as much as $5 million.

But I must warn you… the replay will be taken down after midnight tonight. So this is your last chance to watch it before the Phenomenon starts.

Life rarely gives you second chances. Seize the one you have now, before it’s too late.

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. As I mentioned, the halving is set to occur by tomorrow. So this could be your last chance to take advantage of the Phenomenon before it’s too late.

So click here to watch my urgent presentation about this opportunity, before it’s taken offline for good