The fastest way to gain a sense of control and relief from a lifetime of “accumulation”

From Bob Irish, retirement specialist, The Palm Beach Letter: A few years ago, friends of ours sold their house and moved onto a boat. Not a mega yacht, but a 40-foot cabin cruiser.

It was pretty cool. We’d visit them at the marina and enjoy cocktails on deck. Then we’d share a simple dinner of freshly caught fish.

I asked Tim what the best part of living on a boat was. To my surprise, he said it was reducing the number of his possessions.

“Really?” I said. “I thought that was the bad part of boat life.”

“Nope,” he said. “It’s the best part. I used to have a lot of stuff, but after I moved to the boat, I realized that the stuff had me. I’m no longer a slave to my possessions. I feel like I’m starting over with a clean slate.”

I remembered Tim’s comments years later as we began to shed possessions to fit into a house half the size of our old one. And they began to make sense to me.

A feeling of relief accompanies getting rid of stuff. My world is far less cluttered. I’m lighter. Leaner. More on top of things. More in control than I’ve felt in years. Heck, I’m ready to downsize some more and move onto a boat! My wife Tricia says she’ll visit me on calm days…

If you want to start liberating yourself of your possessions but don’t know where to start, I’ve created a detailed “downsizing checklist.” All Palm Beach Letter subscribers can access it for free right here.