The full gamut of emotions laces the 4/30/2015 mailbag…

From Linda M.: I’ve been an Infinity subscriber for six months and a Palm Beach Letter subscriber before that. My Legacy Portfolio’s net profit is over $30,000 tax-free in an IRA account. It works! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and education!

From Diane S.: Mark, you said yourself that you would not do anything you do not understand because you would probably do it wrong. You educate yourself on it before you make a move.

Yet, you give us only a couple-hour deadline to decide about your Legacy program. I am sure it probably is a very good system, but I don’t feel comfortable enough or knowledgeable enough to know that I would be able to do it myself.

Plus, even a mere $1,500 is a lot of money to me, which adds to the risk of going for it. Because of this, I’m sorry to say, I have to decline your short-lived offer.

Reeves’ Comment: Thanks for your note, Diane. That deadline was only part of our special Legacy training event last Thursday night.

We pretty much gave away the “kitchen sink” with that offer. But you still have until midnight tonight to sign up for Legacy and receive over $5,000 in bonus resources.

If you want to review the benefits of Legacy investing before then, check here, here, here, here, and here.

From Jimmy D.: I’m so glad you’re giving me a chance to help fatten YOUR coffers by AT LEAST $1.5 MILLION ($1,500 x 1,000 subscribers)!

Gee, guys, how can I possibly thank you enough? No wonder you can live in Delray Beach, Florida. And, of course, if the whole thing craters, it’s, “Well, gee, we said there were no guarantees.”

All you “advice on how to get rich quick” groups are doing the same thing: “Join our new really expensive group and get the secret strategies and triggers calendars” that ONLY YOU KNOW!

I think I’ll open my own Internet stock advice group, complete with testimonies from “Ted P., Roger K., and Louella G.,” carefully selected historical monster gains, and invitations to the SUPER SECRET GROUP!

Of course, if I just stick with the old “cheapo” subscription, I’m doomed to a penurious retirement—makes me wonder why I should stick around.

Reeves’ Comment: Jimmy, I’m sorry you’re upset. And I can understand why. It sounds like you’ve received a lot of investment newsletter pitches… from a lot of different companies. Even some of our own promotions tout the fast gains of advanced trading services, like our own Jump Point Trader.

But I don’t see how anyone could confuse our Legacy Portfolio for some sort of “get rich scheme.” Mark, Tom, Greg, and many others have gone to great lengths to explain the power of compounding over time—the core of the Legacy approach to investing.

Nor can I see how you could expect to see “the whole thing crater”… when items like Dan’s essay above display the safety of this investment approach. There is no safer way to earn a substantial fortune in the equity markets than this program.

It won’t happen overnight. It’s not “sexy.” But as sure as a steady stream eventually cut the Grand Canyon, Legacy investing will safeguard and grow your wealth.