The key investing lesson hidden under 60 feet of horse manure…

From Jeff Brown, editor, Exponential Tech Investor: In New York City, the mountains of horse manure were 40-60 feet high.

In London, the Times newspaper estimated, “In 50 years, every street in the city will be buried under nine feet of manure.”

Though it’s hard to imagine now, horses were once critical to the economies of the world’s largest cities.

But they also created a huge problem…

New York’s horse population produced 2.5 million pounds of manure every day.

Horse corpses littered the streets, adding to the stench and potential for disease.

In the world’s first ever “urban planning conference,” the situation was deemed utterly hopeless.

Unbeknownst to the bureaucrats at this conference, a young man from the Midwest was already working on a solution…

It would save New York City and London from being buried in horse manure… change the world in dramatic, unimaginable ways… and make staggering fortunes for savvy investors.

The young man’s name was Henry Ford. And his solution was the Ford Model T…

In 1910, he produced 19,000 cars at a price of $900 each. But by 1915, he was making 308,000 cars per year for just $390 each.

Fast forward 10 years to 1925, and he’s making almost 2 million cars per year for $260 each.

Today, 2.7 million cars enter New York City every day. But there are only a handful of horse-and-buggies in the city. And their main job is to take tourists around Central Park.

This is the result of what I call “exponential technology”… a technology that quickly and radically changes the world.

Investing in exponential technology is the best way I know to make a fortune.

For example, James Couzens invested just $2,500 in Ford Motor Company 1902. In 1919, he cashed out for $29.3 million.

Ford made a fortune for himself too: an estimated $181 billion.

But most people missed out…

Remember, the horse and buggy had been used as transportation for thousands of years. It was impossible to imagine that would change.

Another great example is Microsoft. Virtually all offices run on Microsoft software. If you bought Microsoft in 1986, the day it went public on the Nasdaq, you’d be up 87,000%.

But in the 1980s, it was hard to imagine an office without filing cabinets and typewriters. Again, most people missed out.

So how do you spot exponential technology BEFORE it takes off—the best time to get in on the “ground floor” and make the biggest gains?

By studying examples like these—and having worked in the tech industry for 25 years—I believe there are three key indicators that can help you. I’ve created a presentation about them right here

Reeves’ Note: Using these indicators, Jeff’s compiled a list of companies he thinks could be the next Ford Motor Company or Microsoft. Many of these companies are under the radar right now, but Jeff predicts they could soon become household names—and make a fortune for early investors.

But time is running out. Click here now to get your hands on a copy of this list… before it’s too late.