The scariest thing most investors don’t understand about the markets today

The stock market’s bull run just crashed through another important milestone…

CNNMoney reports the current bull market in U.S. stocks just hit 2,256 days. It’s now the third-longest bull run in history. This has many investors concerned the end is near. (A drop of more than 20% from a market top ends a bull market.)

But as the chart below shows, the current bull market is still only half the length of the longest bull market in history: 1987-2000.

  Teeka Tiwari, editor of Jump Point Trader,believes the current bull market is just warming up. It’s due to what he calls the new Golden Ratio—a massive demographic shift in the U.S. population. The “millennial” generation (those born after 1980) is now the largest segment of the populace. Right now, they’re shifting into their peak earning (and spending) years.

This will power the stock market higher for the next 14 years.

Here’s what Teeka told his subscribers in his latest Jump Point Trader weekly update:

We have entered a new secular bull market. Why is that important to know? Because even if you had terrible timing during the previous bull market period—you bought at the top of every single move—as long as you didn’t panic, you were ultimately vindicated by the market.

In the short clip below, Teeka explains the similarities between the current bull market and that of the late ‘80s and ‘90s… the greatest bull market ever. As he notes, it’s a simple strategy to make enormous gains:

In a secular bull market, stay long equities.

Reeves’ Note: Teeka has developed a trading system to make outsized profits over the next 14-year bull run in stocks. It’s proven accurate 93.3% of the time. Now, he’s offering to teach you about the process—and provide you two free trades—over four training sessions this week. To learn more about Teeka’s impressive “blue sheeting” technique, click here.