The Three Wise Men: The key to men, women… and everything else…

From Bill Bonner, chairman, Bonner & Partners: “Good men marry one of the Hepburn girls.”


We were out at dinner when the conversation turned from economics and politics to love and marriage. This was a welcome change from “The Donald” and the economy for us.

So, we listened up. Besides, it sounded as though it might be fun.

“Yes… you either marry Katharine or Audrey,” continued a friend. “I tried Katharine. Almost got married to her. But she was too much trouble. Instead, I went with Audrey. Much easier to live with.”

The conversation went around the table of four men and one woman. All the men agreed that they had married one or the other.

“Katharine,” your editor replied when asked, with no trace of doubt or regret.

“What about you?” we turned to the only woman there. “Which are you?”

“Oh… it works the same way with us,” she explained. “We’re either Katharine or Audrey. I’m Audrey.”

Once in our cups, in a warm restaurant and digging down toward the soul, we didn’t stop.

“You know,” said another of our group, “the key to men, women… and everything else… is testosterone.”

“How so?”

“It’s all there. The guy with the most testosterone wins. He wins at business, sports… everything. And that’s the guy women want. They can tell.

“I can tell, too. I walk by a bar in London, for example, and I can feel the testosterone. It tells me to stay away because there’s going to be a fight.

“It’s not that way in Italy. I go into a bar and I can’t feel anything. Different levels of testosterone. Italians aren’t competitive in the same way.

“But guess what? You take two men with equal levels of testosterone. One gets married. One doesn’t. Twenty years later, the one who got married will have half the amount of testosterone.”

“Why’s that?”

“Testosterone is all about winning. By then, he’s lost so many arguments that his testosterone has been cut in half.”

[The Three Wise Men of Wealth are Mark Ford, Bill Bonner, and Doug Casey… three of the smartest, most successful men alive today.]

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