The worst commodities bust in generations is over… Time to buy!

From Steve Sjuggerud, editor, True Wealth Systems: In June 2008, the main index of commodity prices stood at 10,600.

This January, it fell below 1,900—an 82% fall in less than eight years.

It’s the worst eight-year return—by far—in the history of the GSCI Commodities Total Return Index (which goes back a half-century).

Think about this for a second…

This isn’t some speculative stock that’s down 82%. This is the entire universe of commodity prices… like oil and gas… and wheat and cattle.

What’s happened in the past after big falls in commodity prices? Big gains…

Take a look at the GSCI Commodities Total Return Index over the past 20 years:

Commodity prices are prone to booms and busts. And after each of these big busts, commodity prices made an impressive jump…

After each big bust, the median gain in commodity prices was 110%, and the median holding period was two years.

So there we have it. There’s our blueprint: 110% gains in two years.

But could we do even better? It’s possible…

This hasn’t been your garden-variety, 18-month fall in prices. This has been something greater… an 82% loss over eight years.

After such a sustained loss, investors have given up on commodities to a degree that I’ve never seen in my 20-plus years in this business. Investors have given up on inflation… and the fear of inflation is a massive driver of commodity prices.

The thing is, you can’t assume inflation is dead…

We live in a world of 0% interest. And a world where governments have nothing holding them back from printing money.

I think of these two things as “latent power” for an asset-price boom. Zero-percent interest rates are like a lit match… looking for a new fuse.

These two things have already lit up stock prices. And the same is true for real estate.

But commodity prices? They fell to 1991 levels earlier this year.

This is an ideal setup. We have an asset price that’s crashed (commodities)… and a lit fuse in the form of zero-percent interest rates. Meanwhile—as you can see at the far right in the chart above—the uptrend has finally appeared.

Stocks and real estate have boomed. Commodities haven’t.

The time to get in is now. Take advantage of it…

Reeves’ Note: Steve’s invested decades of research and over $1.5 million in cash to determine the “magic number” at which various markets hit their “reversion to the mean” inflection point. Right now he says commodities (including gold and silver) have just triggered the number… and triple-digit gains lie ahead. Click here to learn more from his research.