“This is something that we’d read about in a Third World dictatorship… not in the United States…”

The Palm Beach Letters Teeka Tiwari has some disturbing news for freedom-loving Americans about an amended law called “Rule 41.” The revised rule makes it easier for the FBI to remotely hack your computer.

Before the rule change, the FBI had to get a warrant from a judge in the district where you lived to search your computer. The new rule allows agents to get a warrant from any district judge (including from another state) to remotely track computers anywhere in the world.

In today’s must-see 3-Minute Market Minder, Big T says this radical expansion of government power is why you must get some of your money off the grid…

(After you watch the video, check out Teeka’s favorite “off grid” asset right here…)


Hello, friends, and welcome to Big T’s 3-Minute Market Minder. Today I want to tell you about a very troubling law called “Rule 41.” This rule goes into effect in the next couple of days, December 1st. It basically allows the FBI to engage in mass computer surveillance. What this rule does is it allows them to hack into computers of citizens outside of their districts.

The way it works right now is if the FBI wants to look at your computer, they have to get the approval from a judge in your district. Now with “Rule 41,” if you’re in New York and they’re in Nebraska and they want to look at your computer… well, guess what? They go to a friendly judge in Nebraska, they get the approval, and they can look at your computer.

Not only can they look in your computer, but they can look at any computer that’s ever been infected with a computer virus. This new rule, “Rule 41,” gives them the ability to look at the files on your computer if you’ve ever had a computer virus. It is absolutely insane that the government is going to have this much power in terms of being able to go into our private computers and look at whatever they want, just because they got a local judge to give them a warrant and/or my computer happened to be infected in the past. Absolutely insane.

Again, to me, this is just an extension of the kind of policies that are behind the War on Cash. It’s just about the government having total surveillance over us, over what we spend our money on, over what we look at, over whether we’re paying the amount of taxes they think we should be paying or not.

I see this trend just continuing, but it’s happening at such a rapid pace. And again, you know where I stand on this: It is incumbent on you to take steps to protect yourself from these infringements on your cash and on your privacy.

On your cash, it’s simple. Gold absolutely belongs in everybody’s portfolio, as do cryptocurrencies. They’re one of the few things that you can own that are completely off the grid.

And in terms of being able to protect yourself from this type of warrantless attack on your privacy, on your computers, it’s something that I look forward to writing about in the future to help our readers really protect themselves from this type of 1984-esque, blanket mass surveillance.

It’s insane. This is something that we’d read about in a Third World dictanot in the so-calletorship, d “free world” here in the United States. Absolutely nuts.

All right, friends, that is enough out of me. I will catch up with you in the next video. And I want you to always remember: Let the Game Come to You!

(After you read the transcript, check out Teeka’s favorite “off grid” asset here…)