This unprecedented change in Islamic law means gold is about to explode

Gold bars

Editor’s Note: Below we share the most valuable wealth-building insights we’ve found over the last week. We also offer you the chance to peruse the best-selling services in our industry.

$  ATTENTION: Last call for the “not yet wealthy.” 
You can still earn your first million in less than 7 years… even if you’re starting with “less than zero.”  Mark Ford has proven it more than a dozen times… And until tomorrow night, he’s accepting a small group of new “Wealth Builders” to share every tip and technique he’s developed over the past 30 years. Plus, he’ll give them $4,623.51 in moneymaking resources to jump-start their financial success. (Only 1,000 spots available.) Click here to review your special invitation and claim your fortune-building resources.


  Owning gold as an investment has historically been controversial for those who follow Islam. But an upcoming clarification to Sharia law could open the gold market to 1.6 billion new Muslim investors…

The possibility of that many new investors will make the case for buying gold even more compelling. Find out why right here


$  Medicare BROKEN… Social Security BANKRUPT… Pensions… TATTERED. America’s safety nets appear to be falling apart. And it couldn’t come at a worse time for retirees. But one former Goldman Sachs trader has turned his back on Wall Street to help regular folks generate as much income as possible—and his track record is astounding. To watch his feel-good story and find out how you could potentially benefit, click here.


  The U.K.’s vote to leave the EU may have come as a shock to many, but the sentiment that led British voters to reject rule from Brussels is nothing unique. In fact, it’s a growing sentiment worldwide…

In this insightful piece, former U.S. congressman Dr. Ron Paul asks important post-Brexit questions: Is Brexit the first victory in a larger freedom movement? Can we get out of a system that creates money to benefit the ruling class? Can we get out of a central bank that finances the wars that make us less safe?

Read on, here


$  Rickards: “Give me just 63 seconds.” Jim Rickards just recorded a short 63-second video about gold that you need to see. Something very important is happening in the gold market. And it could be very good news for you—if you know what to do. Please click here to view it now.


  Self-driving—or autonomous—cars are coming much faster than you think. It’s one of the most exciting trends Exponential Tech Investor Editor Jeff Brown is tracking right now.

Jeff says the benefits of this groundbreaking technology are endless: fewer driving-related deaths… fewer accidents… less traffic… better fuel economy…

The list goes on, right here


$  Jim Rickards: “My #1 Way to Profit From Britain’s Exit…” Britain’s exit from the European Union has already sent the markets into a tailspin. The British pound hit a 31-year low… Meanwhile, some investors are already reporting losses in the billions. You don’t want to be caught flat-footed as this situation escalates… Go here now to see the latest update to Jim’s Currency Wars thesis.


  “Trump must be the biggest numbskull ever to win the Republican Party nomination… perhaps after George Bush… But it is a sign of the state of U.S. politics that such a boorish clown could actually be the better candidate!”

Agora Founder Bill Bonner discusses Trump, Hillary, and Brexit in his latest thought-provoking piece, here


$  The British Revenge on America: After years of recession, unemployment, and low interest rates, the British finally said “I’ve had it!” and voted to leave the EU. What few Americans realize… The BREXIT decision—and the worldwide market crash that followed the next day—is just a symptom of a much larger economic crisis. And it’s about to hit American retirees… Click here for details—and how to protect yourself from the fallout.


  This is (surprisingly) the best market for new investment today…

It may be difficult to invest in this market when others are presenting substantial discounts after the Brexit chaos… but The Palm Beach Letter’s Teeka Tiwari explains why you must avoid this temptation today. He also hints at what he’s recommending in the upcoming July issue.

Click here (or the video below) to view this episode of “Big T’s” 3-Minute Market Minder.