Tom and Teeka: How to handle the War on Cash and helicopter money

Editor’s Note: Over the past weeks, we’ve solicited your feedback for a special discussion…

We’ve wanted to know your most pressing concerns about the markets, the economy, and your investments. It’s all part of our drive to “level the playing field” for the average investor in today’s treacherous financial environment.

In the two short videos below, PBRG founder Tom Dyson discusses the next two of your questions (see the previous two questions here) with his friend and colleague, Teeka Tiwari…

  What’s the key to finding good investment ideas today?

  How will negative interest rates, the War on Cash, and “helicopter money” affect the markets?

Reeves’ Note: If you’re anxious to hear more of your questions answered, you can view Tom and Teeka’s entire discussion, for free, right here. You’ll also receive free access to three important “tactical” bonus clips we’re not making public…