Week in Review: These Tailwinds Are Taking Cryptos Higher and Real Estate Lower

Weekend Edition: Your recap of the week’s most valuable and profitable ideas…

Monday, May 8, 2017

When You See the Cops Coming, a Bubble Is About to Burst
The crowd got so unruly that employees called the cops to keep people out of the building. The scene was at the office of a Toronto condo developer. And the crowd was fighting to put money down on a condo more than two years away from completion. When people line up around the block to buy something, that’s a sign a bubble is ready to burst. And buying at the top of a bubble is a surefire way to go broke

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

This Company Could Cause the Next Housing Crash
Northern Rock calls August 9, 2007, “the day the world changed for the bank.” On that day, Northern Rock experienced Britain’s first bank run in more than 150 years. A month later, the Bank of England threw the company a $32 billion lifeline from British taxpayers. Why should you care about Northern Rock? A month after the bank crashed, the entire global real estate market began to collapse

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Bitcoin Millionaire: Sky Is the Limit for “Mothership” Bitcoin
Recently, Palm Beach Confidential editor Teeka Tiwari sat down with bitcoin millionaire Charlie Shrem. Charlie is a widely respected authority on all things bitcoin related. In their interview, Charlie told Teeka how high he thinks bitcoin’s price could rise (hint: it’s very high), why he thinks bitcoin is like “cash with wings,” and much more

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Why I’m Betting Bitcoin Prices Are Going Much Higher
Just like the U.S. dollar, bitcoin has a special “status.” Nearly every other cryptocurrency in the world is priced in bitcoin. To buy most other cryptocurrencies, you need to buy bitcoin first… Just like you need to buy dollars before you can buy most internationally traded commodities. This makes bitcoin a de facto reserve currency. And that will create more demand for bitcoin

Friday, May 12, 2017

Three Reasons Why Bitcoin Is About to Get Even Better
Like any new technology, bitcoin is going through growing pains. In this case, the network needs to expand (called “scalability”). I’ve been researching bitcoin for months. And I see a solution on the horizon. If the bitcoin community can make three fixes, it will make the cryptocurrency more user-friendly. And much more profitable for investors

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Declassified: Navy laser tech to ignite $7 stock
What you’re about to see, I assure you, is 100% real. In a naval ship off the Persian Gulf, this laser cannon was deployed against patrol boats and drones. And in a single $1 shot, with a video game controller, it eradicated them entirely. It’s expected to be deployed on every Navy vessel… injecting billions of dollars into the tiny $7-a-share company behind this laser technology. Click here for the full story.