What you can learn from Trump on taxes

Editor’s Note: Below we share the most valuable wealth-building insights we’ve found over the last week. We also offer you the chance to peruse the best-selling services that offer promotional discounts at this time.

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He invented the telephone and paved the way for the remote control, fiber optics and hard drives. But his greatest discovery has remained hidden for 61 years only to re-emerge in a big way today. In fact, it’s set to grow 16,566% in the coming years. Find out who he is and more about the 16,566% breakthrough right here


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  Donald Trump avoided paying taxes for 18 years… and you should, too.

Some folks are upset that Donald Trump may have carried forward a $916 million loss to avoid paying taxes for up to 18 years. But they’re angry with the wrong guy…

We have 100 senators, 435 congressmen, and one president. If you’re unhappy with the federal tax code, look to those 536 individuals.

If they didn’t want or like the tax code—if they thought it was unfair or too complicated—they could change it tomorrow. But they don’t want to for a very important reason…

Longtime PBRG friend Alex Green makes the case for you to use every legal maneuver to minimize your income-tax liabilities in our corrupt system… just like Trump.

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The average American paid around $1,500 for electricity in 2015. Over a lifetime, that adds up to more than $100,000. Now, imagine erasing this cost from your life… forever. It sounds like a pipe dream. But free energy—or at least extremely cheap energy—is closer to reality than you think…

More than 1 million homes and businesses in the U.S. already use the sun’s power to help offset a large part of their electricity bills. But solar energy still accounts for less than 1% of global electricity. Some project that number to increase 40-fold by 2050.

The industry promises 16,566% growth in the coming years… and Casey Research tech writer Chris Wood has found two companies at the crux of this hypergrowth. Read his in-depth essay right here

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While the mainstream media were out covering transgender issues and Kim Kardashian’s latest stunt, they missed one of the biggest stories of the year… 31,000 NATO troops marching to Russia’s borders.

The troop maneuver is part of Operation Anaconda 2016… the largest war game in Eastern Europe since the end of the Cold War.

Crisis investor Nick Giambruno found out about this operation during his recent expedition in Warsaw, Poland.

Nick explains why Operation Anaconda is reminiscent of “Operation Barbarossa,” Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. More than 20 million Soviets died in that war. This time, Nick says it could be much, much worse.

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Until now, Islamic law has banned trading and speculating in gold. This has prevented 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide from participating in the gold market for over 40 years. But that’s all about to change.

The World Gold Council is working with the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions—which determines Sharia law for finance—to make gold investments legal under Sharia law. The new law is expected to go into effect on December 31.

Casey Research gold expert E.B. Tucker says the rule change will send a flood of new buyers into the gold market. That will help rocket prices to $5,000 and beyond. You can learn more about this new law… and how you can make 27 times your money in this $3 trillion buying wave… in this must-read analysis.