Editor’s Note: In today’s Daily, Mark takes a moment to remind readers of PBRG’s humble beginnings… where we are today… and where we hope to go in the future.

Mark Ford

From Mark Ford, founder, Palm Beach Research Group: When we founded the Palm Beach Research Group in 2011, I had three goals.

First, I wanted to create a profitable business—to prove I could still compete with my younger colleagues.

Second, I wanted to collaborate with Tom Dyson to develop an investment newsletter service. I wanted it to represent the truth about building wealth. Most of the advice I read elsewhere is—at best—misleading.

Third—and I kept this goal secret at first—I wanted to keep improving PBRG until it was the best investment newsletter service in the world.

Thanks to our amazing team, we’ve achieved all three goals.

Should you care?

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Yes. You should be happy to know you subscribe to the best investment newsletter service in the world.

And you should understand why PBRG is the best… and how you can profit from it.

Here are my reasons why we’re the best investment newsletter service in the world:

1. We don’t just give you stock tips and market commentary. We give you a comprehensive program for growing rich.
  Giving you successful stock recommendations and explaining our investment system is just a small part of our job.

I’m very proud of our stock portfolios. And I’m thrilled they’re all doing so well. But I know we can’t seriously hope to make you richer if that’s all we do.

The rest of our work involves wealth-building opportunities outside Wall Street.

Any serious approach to creating wealth must include other skills. These include creating secondary sources of income… investing in rental real estate… buying hard assets… profiting from private enterprises… allocating assets… spending less… keeping more… putting some wealth offshore… planning your retirement… and living rich.

2. We’re committed to making you wealthier—month after month, year after year—for as long as you follow our programs.
  Becoming wealthy isn’t about hitting home runs now and then. It’s about consistent, long-term growth in your net worth. And that’s what we promise to do: to make you richer—net-worth richer—as a direct result of following our advice.

When it’s time to renew your subscription, we want you to look at a calculation of your net worth. And we want you to know you are significantly wealthier because you’re one of our subscribers.

3. We don’t feed you fish. We teach you the skill of fishing.
  In my experience, more than 80% of individual investors put their money at risk… with little or no idea of what they’re doing. It makes no difference if they’re smart or dumb, educated or not.

(Most brokers will tell you the easiest marks are doctors and lawyers. Yes, they’re smart. But they don’t have time to understand what they’re buying.)

To invest successfully, you have to understand what you’re doing on two levels.

You must understand:

  1. The qualities of the particular business/product you are buying
  2. How profits are made in that particular sector of the investment industry.

If you don’t understand an investment at both levels, don’t put money in it.

Easier said than done, I know.

That’s why we give PBRG subscribers lots of information about every sort of investing we do. We spend a great deal of time and money creating programs to ensure you have the knowledge you need.

For example, Palm Beach Current Income, our options trading service, is two services in one.

Before you make a single trade, we provide you with an in-depth course in the science of trading options. We explain, in the simplest possible terms, how our trading strategy works and why it is—in our view—better than any other on the market today.

This course took us six months to produce and has gone through countless incremental improvements. It’s a quick and painless way to learn and become an expert in how to trade options for income.

The second part of Palm Beach Current Income provides you with very specific trades. Our overall win rate is 96.2% since launching in 2012 (178 for 185 full-cycle trades).

I’ve put more than $250,000 into this service. That’s how good I think it is.

But we don’t care if PBRG readers follow our options recommendations or not. We want them to know our system so they can do it themselves. We want to empower our readers. That’s why we answer reader questions in detail each week. And why we teach subscribers new tools, techniques, and strategies in our weekly issues.

I challenge you to find another investment newsletter that provides all that education as part of what they do.

4. We don’t believe in customer satisfaction. We want you to be amazed.
  Every week, we receive hundreds of emails from subscribers. We read and respond to every single one of them.

This is something no other service I know of does. Most investment newsletters answer common questions with form letters. They select a small percentage of “editorial” questions for publication.

We distribute every question and comment to members of our senior staff (including Tom and myself). We then respond through our updates. Or we send the answers to our customer service department… so they can deliver the helpful information.

This process often involves discussion and research. It takes a great deal of time. We do it because we believe you’ll notice our extra effort and keep your subscription for a long time.

This unique practice has an important additional advantage. We get great ideas about how to improve our products and services by reading these emails.

In fact, many of our most popular wealth-building programs—from the Extra Income Project, to Rental Real Estate 101, to the Wealth Builders Club itself—came from reading subscriber emails.

One extra benefit we’ve implemented came from reading emails from elderly subscribers. We were shocked to learn how many subscribers are in their 80s.

We thank our octogenarians for their loyalty by giving them 50% off all our services.

And if you’re over 90, your subscriptions are free. What other newsletter does that?

5. We don’t condescend, bewilder, or bamboozle. We make it easy for you to understand exactly what we’re saying.
  When I got into the investment advisory business 30 years ago, I was surprised by how little I understood of what I read.

The stock market advice came with strange words, unfamiliar phrases, and incomprehensible mathematical formulas. It was all very impressive. I felt like a complete idiot.

It took me many years of working with the “gurus” writing this stuff to realize most of what I didn’t understand was nothing but hot air. Their writing was difficult not because their thinking was profound, but for the opposite reason: Their ideas were muddled and/or downright dumb.

They were pumping stocks. To look smarter than their readers, they lathered their prose with complicated nonsense.

Here’s something I’ve come to understand about investing: If it’s difficult to understand, it’s not me. It’s the person talking to me. His idea is nothing more than bullshit, and he knows it. He’s trying to disguise the smell by smothering it in fancy toppings.

At PBRG, we run all our copy through a special program to ensure anyone with just a high school education can understand it.

We rarely use technical terms. When we do, we print an immediate explanation of the term in green ink. Or we link to a definition/glossary. We can speak simply because we know there’s nothing complicated about wealth building.

Word by simple word, we tell you how to build your wealth.

6. We don’t assume our readers are rich. Most of them are still working to build wealth.
  Most investment newsletters and magazines write as if everyone in their audience has lots of money—enough to invest in every new strategy they come up with.

When I got into this business, I had a net worth of about zero. It was frustrating to hear about some exciting investment opportunity I couldn’t possibly afford. Except for Palm Beach Current Income, we’ve designed our publications and programs for people who are not yet rich.

We created our Extra Income Project to help our customers generate extra cash. We created this program because we discovered (from reading emails) at least a third of our readers didn’t have sufficient income to follow our options program.

The entire purpose of the Wealth Builders Club, in fact, is to give not-yet-wealthy readers a comprehensive program for building wealth… outside the stock market. Everything we provide in that club is a system, strategy, or protocol I’ve personally used.

I can think of no other investment advisory service that provides programs for the not-yet-wealthy like these.

7. We don’t like losing money. We assume you feel the same way.
  Because I developed multiple income streams early on in my career, I never wanted—or needed—to risk losing it in order to get a higher return on investment (ROI).

When it came to investing in the markets, my approach was the same as Will Rogers’: The return of my capital was much more important than the return on my capital.

I reject the commonly held view that to get higher returns you need to take on additional risk. Every time I did that, I ended up losing money.

When a broker or adviser convinces you to take on extra risk, know this: He’s getting richer every time you say “yes.” And you’ll very likely get poorer.

When Tom and I formed PBRG, we agreed to condense all our moneymaking ideas into one all-important rule: Never lose money.

We recognize we can’t control what we can’t control. The rise and fall of the stock market is one of those things. But we can control how we play the game.

That’s why we diversify our investments outside Wall Street… manage our investments through super-conservative asset allocation models… invest only in reliable companies in our Performance Portfolio… and use trailing stop losses.

We’re not comfortable with risk. We may be the most safety-conscious service around. That’s a value you shouldn’t overlook.

8. We tell you the truth—even when it isn’t pretty.
  One of the first things I tell new subscribers when they join is this: You won’t get rich by solely buying stocks.

We tell you the truth about bankers and brokers (i.e., the many ways they subtly but steadily drain away your wealth).

We tell you the truth about investment ideas based on future events (they don’t pay)… investment schemes that promise high returns (they rarely work)… and why, if you listen to the mainstream financial media, you’ll become poorer—not richer—by following their advice.

In the beginning of your relationship with us, the truths we tell may upset you.

For example, when we introduced our options trading program, we told readers they shouldn’t buy it unless they had at least $20,000 to put aside just for options. Some people were very unhappy about this. But what should we do? Lie to you? Keep your money? Let you find out for yourself?

We’ve increased this limit to $25,000. We don’t want customers in this program who don’t have the financial resources to use it properly.

If you don’t already know this, you’ll discover it soon enough: You can’t get rich by closing your eyes and crossing your fingers. Only the truth about risk will keep you from losing money—time and again—by investing in exciting stories and big promises.

9. We don’t leave you to decide what to invest in or how much to invest. We provide asset allocation advice.
  Few, if any, other investment advisories tie their investment recommendations to an asset allocation model. And none use asset allocation models designed to work for not-yet-wealthy people with differing financial objectives. We do.

There’s a reason for that. Providing asset allocation advice is tricky, risky, and complicated. We’ve been working very hard on ours, refining it over and over again. We make sure it works for all our subscribers.

We know you can’t seriously hope to acquire wealth unless we tell you how much to put in stocks versus bonds, versus real estate, versus cash, versus gold, etc.

Studies show asset allocation is the single most important factor in investment success. So how can we NOT provide it?

Our asset allocation models are unique. They give you specific allocations depending on how much investable wealth you have… and how many years you have to build wealth before retirement.

10. It’s not just about money. We teach you how to enjoy it… and how to live a better life.
  There are some subscribers who don’t have the time and resources to become wealthy before they retire or die. We don’t pretend these people don’t exist. We provide strategies for living rich on a modest income.

You can enjoy all of the best things life has to offer for a fraction of what you might think.

In the Wealth Builders Club’s “Living Rich” series, we give you many ways to do that. These include how to have a richly rewarding home, how to drive an enviable car, how to sleep on a world-class mattress, how to eat and drink like a millionaire, how to travel in luxury, and more.

Reeves’ Note: Mark and Tom have just done something unprecedented in the history of Palm Beach Research Group. If you agree with Mark’s critique of the extraordinary value inherent in a PBRG subscription, you cannot miss this opportunity. Click here to view it now, there are a limited amount of slots available.