Palm Beach Daily

3 Good Habits of a Great Crisis Trader

Apr 5, 2023
4 min read

Stock market crashes are tough on everyday investors.

For all the years waiting for gains to build up, they can evaporate without warning in a matter of weeks.

Just take the 2022 market crash as an example… Last year, the S&P 500 declined by more than 19%, marking the largest drop since March 2020.

It caught people off guard. And a lot of folks are now worse off for it.

Now retirement accounts are suddenly a lot smaller than they were. And investors who got in during the “panic buying” stage in February are now sitting on substantial losses.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. While many fortunes are lost in market crises, many more fortunes can be made in the aftermath.

And we’re just weeks away from a historic reset of the market. It’ll be a bottom unlike any you’ve seen before…

However, it’ll allow you the chance to double your money 10 different times…

In fact, during the lead-up to Black Monday in 1987, I did just that.

Then, in the 2001 tech wreck, my trades resulted in a seven-figure windfall for my clients at my former brokerage firm. (I sold and closed that firm at the end of September 2007, which surely qualifies me for some sort of market-timing award.)

And longtime readers know how I did in the Financial Crisis of 2008. If you followed my recommendations back then, you could’ve doubled your money – or more – on 18 different trades.

Some of my best trading years were during times of extreme market crisis.

And if that sounds absurd to you, keep reading. Because I’m going to prove how you can achieve similar results by following three important trading habits…

  • Fight the urge to trade with the crowd.

This is far more difficult than it first seems.

When the market marches higher and higher each day, it’s uncomfortable to sit on the sidelines and wait for a more profitable entry point. Seeing the gains that other folks are making each day doesn’t help either.

But there’s a big difference between the investor who bought before January 2022 and the one who waited for better prices.

The former is praying the market will come back to where it was before the crash. The other is happily buying stocks at a discount…

  • Remember that what goes up, must come down.

As soon as it starts seeming like a rally will go on forever, that’s about the time the party ends.

Oftentimes, the last legs of an overextended rally are what draw in the least-informed investors – and create massive losses for them. Knowing how to recognize these moments is key to finding opportunity in crisis markets.

And sometimes that means sitting on the sidelines as the rally continues. Accepting that is key to being a responsible trader.

  • The best trades are often the toughest ones to make.

I sat out most of the market’s rally in late 2021. But once the market crashed entering 2022, I stepped in and started buying.

It was uncomfortable. Things were so uncertain… Nobody knew how far the market could fall.

I had to accept that I might lose money even on the lower entry points I was making. But I knew that it made more sense to buy at those levels than in late 2021.

For example, on January 24, 2022, I made a call that the S&P 500 was set up for a rally while it was trading around the 4,100 level.

If you followed my charts and technical analysis, you likely bought at a time when everyone else was selling.

Looking back today, we know this move wound up being quite profitable. Most people didn’t believe it, but by February 2, the market rallied to a high of 4,589.

After all… Humans are emotional, irrational beings. The forces of greed and fear constantly pull us one way or another.

But if you learn how to recognize, control, and counteract these emotions, you can consistently become a profitable crisis trader.

Most people will miss out on generational market opportunities…

They’ve either gotten in too early and already suffered crippling losses… Or they stay in cash and get in too late. It’s also possible they’ve gotten into the wrong investments entirely.

But for those folks who are ready for the next market crisis, we’ll have a chance to make significant gains, over and over again, as it all unfolds.

I’ve put together my game plan, and I’m sharing it with folks in a special presentation tonight at 8 p.m. ET.

I’ll tell you exactly how I expect the next market bottom to play out, and the best sectors to profit from.

And I’ll even give away a free trade recommendation that has the potential to double your money in just a few days.

Don’t miss your chance to make life-changing gains when the market turns… Reserve your spot right here.

Best regards and good trading,


Jeff Clark
Editor, Market Minute

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