Palm Beach Daily

6 tips to keep the IRS out of your Social Security checks

Sep 17, 2016
4 min read

Editor’s Note: Below we share the most valuable wealth-building insights we’ve found over the last week. We also offer you the chance to peruse the best-selling services in our industry.

$  Famous Billionaire Talks New Social Program: “We’re doing something the world hasn’t seen.” In Europe, it’s already producing disturbing results... Now, an economist says the U.S. is next...


  Do you know your tax bracket? If not, you better find out before the IRS does...

The good news: You’re finally collecting Social Security benefits after a lifetime of paying into the system. The bad news: Depending on your situation, 85% of your benefits may be taxable...

Fortunately, Palm Beach Research Group retirement expert Bob Irish has uncovered six tips to help you lower your tax bracket so the tax man won’t take a hefty bite out of your Social Security income. You can get the lowdown by clicking here.


$  A new “loophole”! Imagine being able to turn back the clock and invest in Silicon Valley stocks 10 years ago. Well, Dr. Steve Sjuggerud recently discovered a new “loophole” that allows you to do just that. Folks who take advantage of this temporary “loophole” could make up to 500% gains over the next few years. Get the facts, here.


  There are five ways to “crash-proof” your portfolio right now...

The U.S. economy has been “recovering” since 2009. The current recovery, now seven years old, is one of the longest in U.S. history.

It’s also one of the weakest. Since 2009, the U.S. economy has grown at just 2.1% per year, making this the slowest recovery since World War II. Last quarter, the economy grew at just 1.1%.

We won’t know how the economy did during this quarter until late October. But we don’t expect good news, and that’s because signs of a stalling economy are everywhere. In this eye-opening article, learn five easy ways to “crash-proof” your portfolio... before it’s too late.


$  Coming next week: Chris Mayer’s major announcement. On September 22nd, the chief investment strategist of Bonner Private Portfolio, Chris Mayer, is making a major announcement. It has nothing to do with a market crash or credit crisis...but it could have a lasting impact on your wealth and the wealth of your children and grandchildren. Details here.


  Hillary Clinton raised a record $80 million in a single month... Where’s the money coming from?

Big corporations, banks, military contractors, rich people—all are pitching in to make sure Hillary is our next president, writes Bonner & Partners Chairman Bill Bonner. Why? Because she promises to protect the status quo...

If you want to know the motivations behind the unelected group of insiders backing Clinton, do what Bill does... Follow the money.


$  Ron Paul: “Buying Gold Will Not Be Enough—Here’s the Next Step to Take.” Twenty-two-year congressman urges Americans to wake up and pay attention to looming financial crisis. See his crucial advice...


  The No. 1 trick to investing: Never sell a good idea...

Longtime PBRG friend Chris Mayer is the all-time best stock picker in Agora Inc. history... but his method is incredibly simple: Never sell when you have a great idea.

“Good ideas are hard to find. Don’t let the market take you out of them,” he writes.

Chris says all you need to be a successful investor is 10 to 15 good ideas. In fact, he owns just seven stocks in his own personal portfolio at the moment. You can learn the No. 1 trick—and other lessons—Chris used to find stocks with Starbucks, Walmart, or Apple potential... long before Wall Street is paying any attention to them... right here.


$  Don’t touch Gold until you see this. A radical new method for gold investing could make you 5 TIMES more money than bullion… beginning with just 60 cents. Details here.


  Sometimes you just don’t know whether to laugh or cry...

Perhaps it’s “gallows humor,” but sometimes we all can use a little levity in the face of the monumental challenges facing America today.

In the clip below, a man interviews San Diego beachgoers over an outrageous claim: Donald Trump’s big game hunter sons just killed a dinosaur. You won’t believe the reactions he gets...

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