Bob Irish: Avoid the diet craze and lose weight for free

Regular Daily readers know PBRG’s retirement expert, Bob Irish, is an avid “health nut.” He’s in better shape than most people 20 years his junior…

Today we share some of his best “anti-diet” ideas for better health and longevity:

  • Drink lemon water in the morning. Lemon water boosts your immune system, energy, brainpower, and digestive system. It also promotes healthy skin, alkalizes your body, reduces inflammation, aids in weight loss, freshens breath, and has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

  • One of the best things you can do for your body is take a walk. Walking produces endorphins and relieves stress. It helps with anxiety, depression, and fights the “blues” in winter. Some studies indicate walking only 30 minutes per day may cut your risk of developing Alzheimer’s in half.

  • Quit the soda. In fact, quit any super-sugary drinks. They may taste good, but they wreak havoc on your system. For men, one sugary drink per day can increase your risk of heart attack by 20%. For women, one sugary drink per day increases your risk of gout by 75%. Regular consumption of sugary drinks can also cause diabetes, obesity, stroke, high cholesterol and blood pressure, and issues with bone health.

    One study recently compared the damage done by soda to that of cigarettes. Too much sugar actually affects your chromosomes and makes you age faster. It can also affect your brain health.

    Don’t simply substitute diet soda for regular soda. Studies have shown that diet soda may cause metabolic confusion because your body is tricked into thinking it’s ingesting something sweet and therefore causes insulin levels to spike.

  • Studies also show that artificial sweeteners (200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar) may signal to your body that calories are coming when they aren’t. This will leave your body feeling unsatisfied and hungry.

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