This “TED-type” talk will teach you one of the all-time most important investing lessons

Dollar banknotes

Mark Ford and longtime PBRG friend James Altucher have a lot in common…

Both are best-selling authors. Both are self-made multimillionaires. And both have created more successful businesses than they can remember. That’s why we’re pleased to feature James’ insights below…

In a recent talk, James shared what may be the most important investing lesson out there: the extreme value of the “picks-and-shovels” play.

The term comes out of the 1849 California gold rush. The lure of striking it rich drew throngs to try their hands at prospecting. But it was the businessmen who supplied pick axes, shovels, and denim pants who made the surest, safest fortunes.

James applied this lesson to his own unique speculative investment strategy. It allowed him a “backdoor” way to invest in deals normally saved for accredited investors only. He explains it all in the 10-minute video below. (Note: James’ talk is followed by a sales blurb. Close the window after his talk if you don’t wish to see it.)

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