Palm Beach Daily

Conditions Are Setting Up for a Sell-Off

Oct 7, 2019
3 min read

Several months ago, I stuck my neck out and predicted the stock market would crash on October 21, 2019.

Of course, I was careful to hedge my comment saying I could be off by a few days or maybe even a few weeks. But my message was clear…

Market conditions are eerily similar to the conditions that led to previous stock market melt-downs—like what happened on Black Monday (October 19, 1987) and during the financial crisis of 2008. Traders should prepare by raising cash, tightening their stop losses on trades, and maybe even adding some short exposure.

At the time of that prediction, the stock market was trading at an all-time high. So my advice probably seemed a little crazy to a lot of folks. Now, though, as we head into the traditionally bearish month of October… and considering the action in the market earlier this week… preparing for a crash may not seem so crazy after all.

For the record… I’m sticking with my prediction. I expect the market will be quite turbulent in the second half of October. Conditions got oversold enough following Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s action that we could get a pretty good bounce in the market over the next few days. But once that bounce runs its course, I’ll be looking for significant downside.

And that’s a good thing.

Crashes present opportunity for those who are prepared for them. It’s not just the ability to profit on short positions as the stock market falls. It’s also the chance to take advantage of quick trade setups as the technical conditions flip-flop back and forth between extremely oversold and extremely overbought territory.

The stock market’s proverbial rubber band goes nuts in turbulent times. It stretches deeply into oversold territory. Then, it snaps back violently, stretching just as far into overbought territory—where it sets up to snap back again.

The trading opportunities are enormous, plentiful, and fast.

The action earlier this week was just a warm-up for what I expect we’ll see later this month. So if you haven’t prepared for it yet, now is the time to get ready. You could make an entire year’s worth of returns in just a couple of weeks.

Best regards and good trading,

Jeff Clark
Editor, Delta Report

P.S. If you understand how a crash truly works—including what causes one and how it plays out—there’s an opportunity to make a huge amount of money this year, very quickly.

You see, the Crash of 2019 will create a rare pattern. And if you know how it works, it could make you tens of thousands of dollars, over and over again, as it all transpires. Do nothing and you could become a victim to the worst crash in more than a decade.

I share all the details during my 2019 Crash Summit. It’s free to watch until Tuesday. After that, you’ll be too late. So watch it now right here.

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