Palm Beach Daily

Crypto Volatility Can Be Your Best Friend

Sep 14, 2022
6 min read

After looking at the sea of red flooding across my screen… I felt like vomiting on my keyboard.

It was one of the worst sell-offs I’d seen in my life…

It was December 2018, and it felt like everything was tanking. Bitcoin would go on to drop 82% from its high, and Ethereum would fall 91%.

The FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) was almost physical… I knew my convictions in the crypto asset class would be stretched to almost breaking point.

What kept me in? It was the conviction I had in my research. My research showed me these assets would eventually go on to experience new all-time highs.

It didn’t matter how improbable it looked or that no one else believed it…

All I needed was the clarity of the facts: Adoption was continuing to increase.

And I knew what I had to do.

That’s why in January 2019, in the depths of the “Crypto Winter” bear market, I wrote to my readers that the sell-off was creating “the opportunity of a lifetime.”

One year later, bitcoin had risen as much as 181%, and Ethereum as much as 80%…

But the market tested me again in early 2020.

On March 18, 2020 – when bitcoin was down 74%, and the S&P was down 30% from its highs – Unbowed by the market volatility I again relied on my research.

That is why I went ahead and recommended five tokens…

Last year, we closed out three of the positions for an average gain of 666%. One of the positions remains open and is up 531%.

It’d take you a minimum of 50 years to see those kinds of returns in the S&P 500… That’s all well and good but as you already know we are once again going through a period of pain in the crypto markets.

In the last 12 months, we’ve seen bitcoin and Ethereum hit record highs of $68,990 and $4,891, respectively… only to fall to around $19,000 and $1,500 today.

Even with my years of experience with crypto volatility, these price drops are still difficult to go through…

However, just like in 2018, 2019, and 2020 my research continues to suggest that both BTC and ETH have far more upside ahead.

Despite the volatility and multiple pullbacks, we know this technology is here to stay. I talk a lot about bitcoin because as bitcoin goes, so goes the entire market.

With a current market cap encompassing 40% of all crypto dollars in the market, bitcoin is the clear bellwether of the space.

Since 2020, I’ve been telling you bitcoin has officially reached escape velocity… That means bitcoin will survive and thrive no matter what happens in the short term.

Its acceptance by the traditional financial system as a tradeable asset class and its penetration into the U.S. market (currently at 44% of millennial U.S. households) ensures its survival.

No politician in the United States will disenfranchise 44% of the nation’s most important voting bloc.

Remember, there are 72 million millennials. These millennials are now entering their 40s – their prime earnings and politically active years.

Add in the arrival of BlackRock into bitcoin, along with all the major Wall Street firms, and you can see that crypto has all the political protection it could ever hope for.

Even though the larger macro backdrop supports higher crypto prices, it’s important to remember we’re still in the early innings of bitcoin’s adoption. That means we will continue to experience wild volatility.

There are no free lunches in life. That is why you must accept that volatility is the price we pay to make life-changing gains.

The internet took a similar path in the early 1990s. And those who rode it out made away with fortunes.

We’ve been here before. And each time, the industry emerges stronger as adoption and use cases continue to increase.

The Bitcoin Market Is Still Maturing

The current bout of volatility in bitcoin is due to a new set of players coming to the market… investors who think differently than the old players.

You see, the original movers and shakers in bitcoin were the early adopters, true believers, and bitcoin miners. Those participants are still HODLers (“Hold On For Dear Life”).

And generally speaking, they won’t ever sell their stack. (Although the miners must sometimes sell to fund their operations.)

But the new money coming into bitcoin is from family offices, hedge funds, and financial institutions. So we’ve seen a transition from HODLers to more traditional Wall Street investors.

Unlike the first wave of investors – who still see bitcoin as a long-term store of value – the new players view bitcoin as a trading asset like the dollar-yen trading pair… Or risk-on/risk-off assets like high-growth tech stocks.

They base their decisions on going long or short on bitcoin based on the expected trend in prevailing interest rates.

Here’s why that matters to them…

Growth stocks tend to take a hit when the Fed raises rates (like it’s doing now). So investors will accept higher market valuations on tech stocks if they expect interest rates to stay very low.

It’s all thanks to the “discounted cash flow” (DCF) model… It’s a formula used to model future prices.

I won’t go into the weeds of DCF modeling… but as the risk-free rate increases (i.e., the yield on the 10-year Treasury)… the model revalues future cash flows lower.

So higher rates mean analysts must reprice their discounted cash flow models. And that results in their models pointing to lower prices for stocks. Since many tech stocks trade at huge multiples to earnings they are especially sensitive to changes in DCF models.

Since the new players view bitcoin as a tech stock, they sell.

It doesn’t matter if they’re right or wrong. What matters right now is the market is treating bitcoin as a traditional “risk-on” asset.

If they think rates are rising, they will exit their bitcoin positions along with their NASDAQ positions.

So any given day that the Fed speaks on rates, we’ll see crypto and the NASDAQ gyrate.

I am writing to you today because this disconnect between how the market is acting towards crypto now and how they’ll act toward crypto in the future is something you can exploit for massive gains.

Preparing for Crypto’s Comeback

While the institutions and newcomers will sell off their crypto based on minute-by-minute moves in the interest rate market, the most informed investors I know are positioning themselves for what I call the “Crypto Comeback.”

It all has to do with a unique area of the crypto market that fewer than 1 in 100,000 investors are even aware of…

It has nothing to do with Ethereum’s Merge or a bitcoin halving.

And since entering crypto in 2016, I’ve only had two opportunities like this show up before.

In the first, I helped my readers turn $1,250 into a four-figure monthly income. In the second, I showed my readers how to turn $1,250 into a five-figure income.

This Crypto Comeback window will not be open for long. That’s why I’m hosting a live online event Wednesday, September 21 at 8 p.m. ET

There, I’ll tell you exactly what’s happening… what you need to do… and how a handful (five, to be exact) of $250 crypto investments could make you as much as $11,000 per month.

You’ll also get the name of a free pick to help you get started… just for showing up.

Considering that the average peak gain of my past free picks is 1,800%, I urge you to attend so you can get access to it.

Click here to reserve your spot… and be sure to come prepared with any questions you might have.

This will be my first LIVE crypto event of the year, so I look forward to hearing from you.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T

P.S. If you’d like to submit a question for me to answer during my live event, click here to join my VIP list.

Not only will you be one of the first readers to ask a question, but you’ll also receive bonus text alerts leading up to the event… and that’s on top of the free crypto pick I mentioned above.

All you have to do, is show up on Wednesday, September 21… And I’ll give you my No. 1 crypto pick for free… No marketing BS, no strings attached, nothing, it’s yours just for attending.

Click here to learn more.

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