Mark Ford

From Mark Ford, founder, Palm Beach Research Group: Office gossip is like junk food: It’s unhealthy but tempting. You know you shouldn’t do it, but sometimes it’s impossible to resist.

But try.

Like so many other “sweet” things in life, office gossip is a temporary indulgence… with long-lasting, undesirable side effects.

For one thing, it damages team spirit. This is no small cost if you’re concerned with team productivity.

It also demeans your stature. Even your co-conspirators will think less of you for doing what they themselves are doing with you.

Make yourself this promise today (I’m making it as I write this): I am going to wean myself off this junky habit. I will resist the urge to gossip. I will maintain a neutral position when someone gossips to me. And when I get caught in a group gossip, I will discretely change the subject to avoid seeming holier than thou.

My resistance to office gossip is about as strong as my resistance to candy: good, but not great.

Here’s a trick I use when I’m having trouble: I imagine the conversation is being broadcast to the entire company through a speaker system.

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