Palm Beach Daily

Even the Best Stocks Aren’t Enough to Retire On

Sep 7, 2021
5 min read

Over my career, I’ve made some bold stock market calls…

For instance, in September 2019, I stood in front of an audience of high-net-worth individuals and recommended buying a basket of five tech and biotech stocks: Illumina, Nvidia, Square, Teradyne, and Tesla.

I told the crowd these transformational technology platforms would produce rising profits and declining consumer costs. And that would lead to huge productivity gains.

Since then, the basket of companies is up an average of 500% – and Tesla alone has rocketed as high as 1,857%.

Most hedge fund managers would sacrifice their kids for those types of returns. And while I’m proud of that call… there’s a dirty secret behind it.

Unless you were already rich and willing to risk massive amounts of money… you wouldn’t make a fortune from investing tiny grubstakes in Tesla.

Sure, you could’ve turned $1,000 into as much as $19,570 on my Tesla call. That’s a down payment on… a nice car… or a year’s worth of college tuition for your children or grandchildren.

But according to a recent survey by investment firm Charles Schwab, the average American worker believes they’ll need to save at least $1.7 million to retire comfortably. However, the average American in their 50’s only has $203,000 in retirement savings.

That’s a $1.5 million gap. How do you bridge that gap without taking wild risks? That’s exactly what I’m going to share with you today. First, let me show you how the stock market can never get you caught up unless you are already rich.

Tesla is one of the best-performing stocks of the past three years. And even if you had perfect timing and bought the exact day I recommended it – you still wouldn’t reach $1.7 million.

You would have needed to put at least $140,000 into Tesla to retire comfortably off that one stock. And most people don’t have that type of money to put into one position.

Look, I get it…

It’s sobering when you realize even owning the best stock in the market isn’t enough to bridge the gap between the life you have and the life you want.

Today, I want to share a strategy that has turned a handful of $1,000 bets into nearly $3 million combined. That’s almost double what you need to get caught up, and it only requires you to think outside the box.

The Stock Market Is Not Enough

The stock market is killing it… From the start of the COVID pandemic through the end of August, the S&P 500 has closed at an all-time high 72 times…

But even if the S&P 500 rises 20% per year for the next five years… it still won’t be enough to bridge the gap between the life you have and the life you want.

Let that sink in for a moment.

If you put $10,000 into the market and it compounds at 20% for the next five years, that’s $24,883.

But let’s say you had a crystal ball and bought the three best-performing stocks over the past five years.

  • Facebook has been up as much as 418%.

  • Netflix has been up as much as 1,190%.

  • And Google has been up as much as 485%.

If you had put $1,000 in each, your combined gains would have been $23,930. That’s a tidy sum. But it’s nowhere near $1.7 million.

Here’s the thing…

Over the last five years, I’ve found 22 ideas that have each gone up over 1,000%. That’s no typo. And some have grown from a single $1,000 investment to as much as $357,000, $484,000, and $1.5 million.

Just those last three alone would turn $1,000 in each into a combined $2.3 million in as little as 10 months. That’s how you safely bridge the gap between the financial life you have and the one you want.

If you’re a longtime reader, you probably know the ideas I’m referring to are cryptocurrencies. And if you’re a new reader, you may believe it’s just pure luck.

If I only had a handful of winners… then sure, maybe it would be luck.

But 22 tokens that could’ve made you at least 10x your money isn’t luck. It’s the power of deep investment research into the most dynamic asset class I know of.

And now, I’ve found another six I believe have the potential to help you catch up on your retirement.

I call them “Catch-Up Coins.”

Catch Up on Your Retirement

When it comes to cryptocurrency, no one has given more people the chance to change their lives than my research team and me. And when it comes to crypto recommendations, none are more profitable than Catch-Up Coins.

These are coins that can have massive life-changing moves higher in as little as 10 months. We are about to enter the biggest rally Catch-Up Coins have ever seen.

An unprecedented event is about to trigger a Hyperboom in these Catch-Up Coins. It’ll be like a barrel of TNT on top of a crate of nitroglycerin sitting on top of 100 tons of weapons-grade plutonium.

That’s why on Wednesday, September 15, at 8 p.m. ET, I’m holding my first-ever “Catch-Up Coin Hyperboom” broadcast. During this event, I’ll discuss the six tokens I believe will explode in price from this future event.

I’ll also reveal the name of my No.1 Catch-Up Coin absolutely free just for attending. (It’s a coin I have never revealed publicly before.)

When I’ve given away the name of my top coins in past events like this, you could’ve made an average of more than 17 times your money. That means just spending the night with me could be the best investment you’ll ever make.

These six coins can transform your life from worry and despair to one of freedom and peace of mind in as little as 10 months.

Let me be very clear, though… I can’t guarantee those results. What I can guarantee is that this is an approach to wealth building that gives you the potential to get the life you’ve always wanted without putting the life you’ve already built at risk.

And you can do it in as little as 10 months.

Friends, I’m proud of my stock market calls. But for most people, even investing in a quadruple-digit winner like Tesla isn’t enough to retire comfortably.

My goal is to help everyone reading this catch up on their retirement plans… and do so in a way that doesn’t put their current lifestyles at risk.

So, join me on Wednesday, September 15, at 8 p.m. ET. (It’s free to attend.) And if I’m right – which I believe I am – you’ll get a rare chance to catch up in as little as 10 months.

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. In addition to getting my No. 1 Catch-up Coin during the Hyperboom event… you can also receive my complimentary bonus report if you become a VIP. Click here to learn more.

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