Mark Ford

From Mark Ford in the Palm Beach Wealth Builders Club:

We buy most things not because we need them, but because we want them.

The secret to selling is to create in your prospect a desire to buy that is so strong, it feels like a need.

Here’s how:

  1. To make a sale, you need to make a promise. And that promise has to relate to something your prospect wants… such as chocolate cake. Nobody “needs” chocolate cake. But people want it. Turn that want into a need.
  2. To make your promise vivid, transform it into a picture. Think chocolate cake with a side of milk or coffee.
  3. To advance your selling effort, you need to make certain propositions or claims. For example: “My chocolate cake is thicker and creamier than the generic brand.”
  4. You then need to support such claims with proof. Maybe your cake won an award or it’s made with all-natural ingredients. Demonstrate why your chocolate cake is the best, with evidence.

Reeves’ Note: The excerpt above comes from one of the Club’s most popular essay series. It’s called “How to Build a Million-Dollar Business for $25,000.” It’s one of nine separate wealth-building programs inside the Club. Current Club members can click here to access the Club content archive.