Palm Beach Daily

How Uncle Sam is coming for your savings...

Oct 12, 2016
1 min read

“Looking at the data, I can’t see how the U.S. government doesn’t start coming after our retirement accounts...”

Last year, the U.S. government made a quiet move to tax earnings on special college savings plans (529 savings accounts). It was the first attempt to “undo” a major government program’s tax-advantaged status.

But The Palm Beach Letter’s Teeka Tiwari says it won’t be the last...

The U.S. government has a near-inconceivable debt problem: over $200 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities. That puts Americans’ tax-advantaged savings accounts on the short list of programs to receive tax treatment “adjustments.”

In today’s 3-Minute Market Minder, “Big T” raises some important questions you need to ask yourself about the safety of your retirement accounts...

(Current Palm Beach Letter subscribers can review his recommendations—and break free from 401(k) prison—in the October issue, right here.)

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