Palm Beach Daily

If your retirement income is too low... do this one thing right now

Feb 2, 2015
2 min read

In the February issue of Creating Wealth, Mark addresses an important subject: What to do when your retirement plans don’t quite pan out as you’d hoped. He includes six steps to take right now to play “catch up” in a hurry. Here’s one of them, below:

Consider—or reconsider—real estate investing.

Our current asset allocation models include real estate investing. Not the kind of real estate investing that is advertised on late-night infomercials, but income-generating real estate investing. The kind of real estate investing that I do.

It's a way of investing in real estate that is safe—an approach that will protect you from doing the foolish things everyone was doing before and during the real estate bubble.

This strategy will give you income almost immediately. And it may very well give you asset appreciation—which can add to your net worth considerably in 10 years or less.

By the way, contrary to common opinion, you don't need a massive investment to get into rental real estate. You can get started by pooling money with one or two friends and going in on a few properties. In the Wealth Builders Club, I also tell readers how to do what some of my golf buddies in the real estate management business do. My friend Jim pockets $5,000-10,000 for every property he's involved with. And he never has to put any money down.

It’s no secret Mark believes strongly in this particular form of off-Wall Street investing. The greatest part of Mark’s net worth (beyond his business interests) is in rental real estate.

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