Tom Dyson

From Tom Dyson in Palm Beach Current Income: These “forgotten” companies don’t make front-page news…

They aren’t media darlings like Tesla or Twitter. And they don’t have massive market caps like Microsoft or Wal-Mart. They fall into a unique market “sweet spot.”

And that’s why they make us rich.

We call them “Niche Leaders.”

A Niche Leader dominates its specific industry or niche. This results in rock-solid fundamentals we look for in every PBCI trade: safety, profitability, and shareholder friendliness.

Since these companies aren’t as big or as well-known as the Cokes and Apples of the world, they don’t get endless media and analyst coverage. This, plus their smaller market caps, makes them appear riskier… to less-informed investors.

So, these investors are willing to pay larger put premiums for the “insurance” we provide them with our “low-ball offers” (selling put options).

But we’ve done the research. We’re confident in the strength of each Niche Leader’s fundamentals. And we position ourselves to earn thick income streams off them.

This unique setup leads to our sweet spot of generous cushions and large annualized returns from our Niche Leader trades.

  Take our latest Niche Leader trade…

Because of the strength of its premier product franchises, this stock’s defied the market’s overall downtrend this year.


The S&P 500’s struggled to find traction. The index is down 2.4% for the year.

But our pick’s shares are up over 60% year to date (YTD).

This is incredible performance in a weak market. It happened because the company’s customers don’t care about falling oil prices, a Chinese slowdown, or never-ending issues in the Middle East…

What they do care about is buying this company’s products. And they are—in droves.

This Niche Leader’s stunning outperformance sets us up to collect a safe 13.9% yield in “instant income.” Current PBCI subscribers can click here for the details of this trade. Others can gain immediate access—and take Tom up on his $1.5 million bet with subscribers—right here.