Tom Dyson

From Tom Dyson in Palm Beach Current Income: Wall Street hates this pattern. So do growth-seeking investors.

It causes them anxiety and frustration…

But we use it to make instant cash income. It’s the pattern behind one of our favorite trading vehicles: stocks that go “nowhere.”


The image above is a year-to-date chart of one of our go-to companies. As you can see, not much has happened to its share price…

Shares started the year around $33.50 per share. As we write, shares are trading at $32.50 per share. They’ve gone “nowhere.” We call this a “sideways pattern.”

And this is what frustrates shareholders and Wall Street. They want upward price action. They want capital gains.

But regular Daily readers know we use this “boring” sideways pattern to capture thick income streams. Our “low-ball” offer strategy (selling put options) lets us take advantage of the frustration…