Palm Beach Daily

Mark Ford: 60 is the new 40!

May 28, 2015
2 min read

  Mark Ford: 60 is the new 40!

From Mark Ford, editor, Creating Wealth: Virtually all financial and most health problems can be solved. When you are young, you feel the truth of this instinctively. But as you age, your psyche’s natural optimism sometimes fades. The burdens of debt and joblessness—even aches and pains—seem terminal.

Your doctor may tell you that these are inevitable symptoms of aging. And there is no doubt that the body is designed to wind itself down as it ages.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to give in to physical debilitation and the mental gloom that goes with it. By taking advantage of new discoveries in nutrition and exercise sciences, you can be strong, energetic, and pain-free all the way through your 70s and even your 80s.

I provide myself as your example: I come from a family that is predisposed to obesity, heart and digestive problems, and depression. My bad genetic coding started messing with me in my late 30s.

Knowing next to nothing about nutrition, I spent about 20 years gaining and losing weight as my strength, flexibility, and stamina gradually diminished.

Then, in my early 50s, I began consulting for the natural health industry. This gave me an inside view of all sorts of breakthrough studies that helped me understand how I could eat, exercise, and relax more profitably.

Today, in my mid-60s, I’m in very good shape. I’m not quite what I was at 25, but I’m able to work 16 hours nonstop, wrestle with men less than half my age, and spend six days climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, which I did when I turned 60 (and with bronchitis, I might add).

Moreover, I’m taking supplements that seem to be actually retarding the shortening of my telomeres—the cellular switches that control aging.

Not long ago, I took a battery of tests that measured my “relative age” in terms of lung capacity (extremely important), visual and mental acuity, heart strength, and even something that measured the flexibility of my blood vessels. In every area, I tested at least 10 years younger than I was. In several areas, I tested 20-plus years younger.

The point: You can regain some measure of youthful vigor, stamina, and optimism by implementing the kind of eating, exercise, and sleep routine that I’ve been following.

60 is the new 50

Reeves’ Note: I’ve asked Mark to share the details of his “eating, exercise, and sleep routine”... stay tuned to the Daily to learn more, soon.

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