Palm Beach Daily

Microsoft and Apple Have Entered the Metaverse

Feb 2, 2022
4 min read

You’ve probably heard a lot about the metaverse recently.

Back in October, Facebook announced it was changing its name to Meta to reflect its shift in focus from social media to a broader digital future…

In December, the company opened Horizon Worlds, its virtual reality world, to adults in the U.S. and Canada…

And last month, Walmart announced it filed patents for digital currency, software to manage cryptocurrency, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for its retail services.

According to the Washington Post, “metaverse” has appeared in more than 12,000 English-language news articles in the last two months of 2021, compared with fewer than 4,000 in the first nine months of 2021… and fewer than 400 articles any year prior.

So, we’re in the very early stages of a massive trend.

Everything from video games, eSports, social media, digital collectibles, and cryptos have direct tie-ins between the metaverse and our “real-world” universe. It’s a modern internet of sorts.

Recently, some of the biggest names in tech have made acquisitions or announcements tied to it.

And whether you believe the metaverse is the next evolution of the internet or an overhyped fad… there’s huge potential to profit.

Big Names Are Eyeing the Metaverse

In mid-January, Microsoft announced it was acquiring Activision Blizzard for about $68 billion.

Microsoft described the purchase as a way to create “building blocks for the metaverse.” And the announcement sent Activision’s stock soaring 36% higher.

A week earlier, video-game maker Take-Two Interactive agreed to buy mobile-game developer Zynga for $11 billion… and while Take-Two avoided using the term “metaverse” in a call with analysts, the company is exploring opportunities in NFTs and related tech.

Since its January 10 announcement, Take-Two’s stock is up 12%.

A few days ago, Sony snapped up “Halo” and “Destiny” creator Bungie for $3.6 billion.

Presumably, it wanted to stake its claim in the developing turf war of next-generation gaming and the metaverse.

Bungie is a private company. But Sony’s stock popped as much as 6% in less than 24 hours.

Then there’s Apple CEO Tim Cook…

In an earnings call last Friday, Cook was asked about the company’s view on the metaverse. Here’s what he said:

We’re a company in the business of innovation… So, we’re always exploring new and emerging technologies. And I’ve spoken at length about how this area is very interesting to us.

Right now, we have over 14,000 ARKit apps in the App Store, which provide incredible AR [augmented reality] experiences for millions of people today.

We see a lot of potential in this space and are investing accordingly. [emphasis added]

The company’s stock is up 7% since its Friday earnings call.

These four companies are some of the biggest in their respective fields. And they’ve built some of the most popular video games, software, and hardware of the last three decades.

Their interest in the metaverse is a big deal…

When Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia (the world’s ninth-largest company), says, “the metaverse economy could one day even eclipse that of the real world,” it’s time to pay attention.

Trillions of Dollars by 2030

Look, I know the metaverse sounds futuristic. But imagine it’s the 1970s, and someone just told you about a secret government project called ARPANET.

At the time, only eggheads and geeks used ARPANET. But it was the precursor to today’s internet. The internet has been creating trillions of dollars of value annually for years.

How many people today can imagine living in a non-internet world?

Or take cryptocurrencies…

If you were around in 2008, when Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin (then worth less than 1 cent), you might think it was just for cypherpunks and libertarians.

Today, bitcoin has a market cap of about $720 billion. And it traded up to $68,789 in 2021.

Whether you understand the metaverse or not… Its connection to our real-world lives expands every day.

Even the iconic Coachella music festival has plans to offer 10 lifetime festival guest passes as NFTs.

So, writing-off the metaverse could be one of the biggest financial mistakes you ever make… and the proof is in the numbers.

Morgan Stanley projects the metaverse will have an $8 trillion addressable market by 2030.

Let that sink in: We’re about to see an average of $1 trillion per year over the next eight years come into this trend.

Metaverse expert Matthew Ball (CEO of VC firm Epyllion) thinks the metaverse economy could reach $30 trillion in the next decade… And Jensen Huang believes the metaverse economy could be 2x or 3x greater than Ball’s estimates.

That’s the definition of a massive trend.

If you’re looking for metaverse exposure, consider the Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF (META).

It holds 50 globally-listed companies – including Meta, Microsoft, and Apple – actively involved in the metaverse… and it’s collected over $850 million since its June 2021 launch.

Remember, the metaverse trend is gaining momentum, but we’re still in its early stages…

This future trillion-dollar sector could give us a rare chance to turn a small stake into massive gains.



Grant Wasylik
Analyst, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. We may be in the early stages of this trillion-dollar trend, but it’s crucial that you position yourself before it takes off…

Daily editor Teeka Tiwari has identified a handful of cryptos with links to the metaverse that could soar 20–50x higher from here.

But as crypto prices recover, the opportunities to profit will become few and far between.

Click here to learn how the metaverse boom is boosting one of the most profitable crypto opportunities of 2022.

You’ll even get the name of Teeka’s next trillion-dollar crypto to buy right now, no strings attached.

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