Palm Beach Daily

My Three Steps to Profit From the AI Revolution

Aug 4, 2023
5 min read

Over the past seven years, I’ve helped arguably more Americans become millionaires than any other editor in the newsletter industry.

For instance, those who put just $1,000 in each crypto I recommended across the 2016 and 2018 bear markets could have turned their stake into $3.8 million.

And made gains as high as 151,000% (enough to turn $1,000 into $1.5 million).

To prepare you for what I believe is the next big development in crypto, today I’ll reveal the simple investing secret that’s helped me pick the biggest crypto winners time and time again coming out of bear markets.

Like all great investing secrets, it’s simple: valuation, solving a problem, and payouts.

You need to be able to value these coins to determine if they’re cheap.

You need to make sure they’re solving a problem that’s worth solving.

And you need to know how to read their smart contract code to make sure that they’re pre-programmed to pay you.

By combining these three elements, you give yourself the best shot at getting into the cryptos that could make you a millionaire as the next bull market gets going.

Three Steps to Picking Life-Changing Cryptos

Here’s why I’m revealing my strategy now…

As I wrote on Thursday, artificial intelligence (AI) is the hottest trend in the market this year.

Everyone is talking about it because many AI stocks are skyrocketing.

For instance, stocks like Nvidia,, and Symbotic are up 226%, 273%, and 373%, respectively, since January.

But let me tell you something 99.9% of people don’t know…

For the past few months, engineers from Google and Microsoft have been working on a little-known crypto project that I believe will revolutionize the AI industry.

And I’ve found a way for you to get in on the ground floor of this crypto project for less than $1. What has me most excited is that this token ticks all three boxes.

I’ll share details about this coin during a special event I’m calling The #1 Coin for the AI Boom on Wednesday, August 9, at 8 p.m. ET. You can click here to automatically reserve your seat for free.

But to prepare you for this event, I want to go over the three traits I look for in a potentially life-changing crypto project.

It must be dirt cheap.

The first feature I look for in a token is valuation.

The coin must be dirt cheap because those are the coins that have the biggest upside potential.

These are the types of asymmetric bets that allow you to potentially 10x, 100x, or even 1,000x your money without putting your current lifestyle at risk.

Take NEO for example. When I recommended it in February 2017, it was trading for 13 cents. And look what happened…


As you can see, it jumped all the way to $196. That’s enough to turn $1,000 into over $1.5 million.

That’s what I mean about incredible upside potential without putting your current lifestyle at risk.

If you lose $1,000, it won’t put you in the poorhouse. But if I’m right – and I believe my No. 1 AI coin has similar potential as NEO – you can significantly move the needle on your net worth.

It must solve a real-world problem.

Once I realize a coin is dirt cheap, I need to determine whether it’s solving a real-world problem.

When I recommended Ethereum in April 2016, I knew it had a real-world application because it was using blockchain technology to enable smart contracts.

Smart contracts automatically execute transactions when certain preconditions are met.

You can use them to borrow or lend money, insure assets, and make trades or any other transaction – all without a middleman.

As you can see, ETH skyrocketed after my recommendation…


Anyone who listened to me had a chance to turn $1,000 into more than a half-million dollars.

My No. 1 AI coin also checks this second box. In fact, it’s solving the biggest problem the entire AI industry is facing.

Google, Meta, Microsoft, Apple, and every single AI company out there are facing a huge problem.

I’ll tell you what this problem is on Wednesday, August 9, at 8 p.m. ET. But know this, my No. 1 AI coin is solving this problem.

That’s another reason why the gains could be ridiculous.

It must come with automatic payments.

If you want a shot at generational wealth, the coin must also check a third box: It must come with automatic payouts.

What does that mean?

It means the coin is programed to pay you on top of capital gains.

You can get paid month after month after month just for holding the coin.

I know that sounds too good to be true… But my readers already had the chance to go from $1,000 to $42,000… and from $1,000 to $55,000.

In the case of Terra (LUNA), they had the chance to go from $1,000 to $715,000… and on top of that, get paid month after month after month.


I believe we have another opportunity with my No. 1 AI coin that could pay you as much as $2,500 per month.

The Clock Is Ticking

Friends, when you find a coin that checks all those three boxes, the impossible becomes possible. I know that because I’ve done it over and over again.

But you’re running out of time. The clock is ticking…

And it’s all leading up to this event that’s guaranteed to happen on August 23 at 4 p.m. ET.

I’ll tell you unequivocally… If you wait until after this event, I believe it will be too late.

That’s why on Wednesday, August 9, at 8 p.m. ET, I’m holding a special strategy session to share the details about my No. 1 AI coin that ticks all three boxes.

As I mentioned above, I’m calling it The #1 Coin for the AI Boom.

During the event, I’ll share the details about my No. 1 AI coin and reveal the catalyst that will send it to the stratosphere.

Right now, you can get in on the ground floor of this project for less than $1.

According to my research, this project has at least 100 times more upside potential than popular AI stocks like Nvidia.

I’ll also give you a recommendation, absolutely free, with no strings attached.

Remember, my past free picks have an average peak gain of over 1,200%. That’s more than 13 times your money.

The event I’ll reveal to you on Wednesday is guaranteed to happen. And I believe it’ll send the AI trend into a parabolic move higher.

As people start putting the pieces together for what it will mean for this coin, it could be trading 2x, 5x, or even 10x higher.

Friends, I believe my No. 1 AI coin will not only give you the chance to move the needle on your own financial life… But the lives of your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, too.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T

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