Palm Beach Daily

Pre-IPO Deals Are Averaging 22,946% Returns This Year

Sep 8, 2020
4 min read

For more than 30 years, I worked as a Wall Street executive and hedge fund manager.

I saw plenty of greed and avarice during my career. I’ve made millions… lost it all… and made it back again.

But one of the fundamental truths I learned over the years is this: “Money by itself is not enough.”

You have to ask yourself: “What is the life I want to lead? Whose lives do I want to impact? How much money would it take for me to get the freedom I’ve always wanted?”

In other words, “What do I need to be set for life?”

For as much as I’m grateful for the lessons I learned on Wall Street and the connections I made… I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t answer that last question.

I’d still be on Wall Street, helping the rich get richer. But I knew I wanted more for my life. I knew my mission was to help Main Street make better financial decisions. Because I’m not from Wall Street. I’m from Main Street.

I grew up in England’s foster care system – living without heat in a tiny room above a garage. And I came to the United States in 1987 with just $150 in my pocket.

I worked three jobs. And I even offered to work for free on Wall Street, until this guy named Frank gave me a shot. I started off as an assistant for the big-time brokers and eventually became one myself.

In two years, I became the youngest vice president in Shearson Lehman history. And after 15 years on Wall Street, I left to run my own successful hedge fund for a decade before retiring.

But here’s the thing…

Despite all my success, I couldn’t help other people until I was set for life myself. By that, I mean how much money I needed to get to do the things I always wanted to do.

And right now, I know there are others out there who also want to be set for life so they can do what they want. My goal is to help them achieve that…

My Mission in 2020

Earlier this year, I told you I’m on a mission to help bring financial freedom to more people than any other newsletter editor in the world.

And so far, I’ve kept to my promise…

Subscribers of my flagship Palm Beach Letter service have seen year-to-date gains of 87%. That’s 11 times more than the S&P 500. And when the market crashed earlier this year, I recommended three gold mining stocks. Those plays are up an average 75%.

Some of my crypto plays are up 699%, 620%, and 253% just this year. And if you just listened to me and bought bitcoin at its 2020 low… you’d be up 140%.

My Tech Royalty plays are yielding an average 10%. These are crypto-yielding assets that pay you “dividends” in more crypto. Income investors won’t find those kinds of yields my subscribers are seeing anywhere else.

And in my Alpha Edge options service, we have a 97.7% win rate, and we’re on a 163-trade win streak.

Of course, no one has a perfect track record… But on balance, I’ve been delivering on my goal of improving my subscribers’ financial lives. However, I recognize there is more to be done.

That’s why on Wednesday, at 8 p.m. ET, I’m going to show you a unique opportunity that can help you be set for life in potentially as little as one day. I’m calling it the Set for Life Summit.

Let me be clear: I can’t guarantee that. But this area of the market has been delivering phenomenal gains, 22,946% on average, to be exact. That’s the type of opportunity we have in front of us… and Wednesday night, I’m going to tell you all about it.

You won’t learn about this idea from your broker. Venture capitalists hope you never hear about it. That’s why this information is so urgent.

Before I finish, I’m going to make a quick request. I want you to think about how much you need to be set for life. Write down that number. And bring it with you tomorrow night at 8 p.m.

This is more than an exercise. It’s very important you do this. And during my Set for Life Summit, I’ll show you how you could hit this exact number in 2020.

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. The opportunity I’m talking about is in what we call the pre-IPO market. And according to Bloomberg, IPOs are minting “a new billionaire every week.”

But here’s what the media is not reporting: This millionaire-making market is no longer just for the “One Percent.” Across America, everyday folks are quietly making seven-figure fortunes… from military veterans to painters and even masseuses.

So as a bonus for registering for my Set for Life Summit, you’ll also get free access to my pre-IPO workshop.

In it, I’ll show you how to finally gain access to these kinds of lucrative deals… no matter your background or net worth.

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