Palm Beach Daily

Protect Your Wealth With These Assets

Nov 29, 2023
6 min read

An entire generation is starting to panic.

Americans in their 20s and 30s are realizing the American dream is dying.

You know the dream I’m talking about: a three-bedroom house behind a white picket fence along tree-lined streets in the quiet suburbs.

Today, 1 in 5 Americans believe they’ll never afford to buy that home. They fear they’ll be renters for life.

Another 40% believe their best shot at home ownership is marrying someone rich… inheriting the money… or winning the lottery.

This is the sad reality most Americans find themselves in today.

This financial panic isn’t just about housing affordability…

It’s buying that luxury car… purchasing that dream boat… or going on that vacation of a lifetime.

And this isn’t just a problem for younger people. Most Americans are feeling the pinch, including those who are in or near retirement.

This group (ages 55 and up) is at even greater risk because they don’t have time on their side like young people do.

So what’s deferring all those dreams? The declining value of the U.S. dollar.

Today, I’ll show you why the declining purchasing power of the dollar is delaying so many dreams… and what you can do about it.

The New Rat Race

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the purchasing power of your dollar has evaporated.

That house you were looking to buy before the pandemic? According to the Federal Reserve, the price of the average U.S. home is up 47% since then.

Or that used car you told yourself you’d get because you can’t afford a new one? The average used car price is up 40%.

How about that vacation you wanted to take? According to the financial website Nerd Wallet, it’s 20% more expensive to travel today than it was in 2019.

Even if you’re not buying these big-ticket items, you’re probably feeling the pinch from day-to-day expenses.

Just look at the number of groceries you can buy with $100 at the supermarket.

A few years ago, you might’ve filled an entire cart. Today, you’d be lucky to fill up a basket.

This new reality is why 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, according to Lending Club.

Today, the American dream for most people is living in a shoebox-size apartment and qualifying for a seven-year loan to buy a 2008 Honda Civic with 200,000 miles on it.

That’s the new standard Americans are coming to terms with.

Over the last four years, most Americans saw their income go up… only to be able to afford less.

You make 10% more. But the goods and services you need cost 20% more.

This is the new rat race.

The Dollar’s Death Spiral

The reason the American dream is dying for so many people is simple: the erosion of the dollar’s purchasing power.

Just take a look at the chart below. It tells the entire story…


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

As you can see, the dollar has lost 97% of its value since 1913.

One of the biggest reasons for this is the surge in government spending.

Take a look at the next chart. It shows the government is spending more than ever compared to what it brings in. This means it needs to print even more dollars.


As you can see, we’re on track for the third-largest deficit in history.

And the bill is coming due. As the Fed inevitably prints more money to cover these deficits… The value of the U.S. dollars in your pockets and bank account will sink.

Look, the speed at which the dollar is losing its value is unprecedented.

It’s forcing Americans like you to move out of their homes and into something smaller and more affordable.

It’s forcing you to postpone that vacation you thought you had enough money for.

It’s forcing you to tell your kids Santa won’t be bringing as many presents this year.

The politicians in Washington will blame it on supply chain disruptions… Russia’s war on Ukraine… or the previous administration.

There’s always a finger to point elsewhere. But the truth is, they are the problem.

Their spending addiction is the problem.

Since the turn of the century, we’ve added roughly $28 trillion in new debt because of our government’s spending addiction.

If you think there’s a chance that the government is going to tighten its belt, forget about it. So you have to take your financial situation in your own hands.

How You Can Escape the Dollar’s Collapse

The dollar is a ship in the middle of the ocean that’s taking on water.

Most passengers don’t realize what’s about to happen. But those who do are fighting over the lifeboats to escape.

The lifeboats I’m talking about are real estate, stocks, commodities, and even crypto. These are “hard” assets the government can’t print out of thin air.

As soon as the money printer goes on again, the value of these assets goes up... just like they did in 2020 and 2021.


If you didn’t store the bulk of your wealth in these assets prior to 2020, odds are you feel 30% poorer today.

If you’re looking to outpace the dollar’s decline, I recommend you allocate a small portion of you wealth to cryptocurrency.

Here’s why…

Daily editor Teeka Tiwari says a new venture launching by the end of the year will kick off a Third Wave of crypto profits bigger than the last two waves.

The First Wave of massive profits came after bitcoin established itself as an asset. 

Nothing could kill it… not government regulations… not the traditional financial industry… not malicious actors like hackers.

Bitcoin’s existence paved the way for a new generation of altcoins (cryptos other than bitcoin). So it acted as a “railway” into this asset class.

In 2016, Teeka started recommending a series of altcoins in 2016. His readers had a chance to turn $1,000 into as much as $367,000 and $534,000.

The Second Wave started during the depths of the 2018 Crypto Winter. Despite all the price destruction, an entirely new innovation came to market: crypto income generation. 

These crypto payouts are similar to stock dividends. However, instead of projects paying out in dollars, these projects paid users in more of the underlying crypto. 

Anyone who followed one of Teeka’s income coin recommendations had a chance to turn $1,000 into almost $55,000. On top of that, they had the chance to collect almost $9,000 in automatic payments.

Teeka believes the Third Wave will be even bigger.

That’s because this new trend could transform the entire financial markets… and impact every single 401(k) and retirement account in the United States.

On Wednesday, December 6, at 8 p.m. ET, Teeka will explain what this venture is… and how it will create a $100 trillion opportunity.

As a bonus, he’ll also give you the name of a coin that could potentially 8x your money during the Third Wave… completely free of charge.

Look, you can complain that the game is rigged against you… Or you can take control of your financial situation.

The asset class we believe will best outpace the destruction of the dollar’s value is cryptocurrency. So if you want to live out your American dream, click here to learn how to position yourself now.


Houston Molnar
Analyst, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to upgrade to VIP status for Teeka’s event now.

As a VIP member, you’ll receive a free bonus: a special report called The $0.50 AI Coin That Could Triple Your Money in 2024.

This coin is part of a new breed of cryptos called artificial intelligence (AI) tokens. 

According to consultant firm PwC Global, AI is the largest megatrend of our generation… And it estimates it will create $15.7 trillion in new wealth.

As a VIP, you’ll also receive complimentary text alerts about this event to make sure you don’t miss our strategy session.

To upgrade, it’s very easy and free. Click here to learn more.

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