Palm Beach Daily

Retiring Comfortably Could Cost You $54,000 a Year

Oct 22, 2022
3 min read

If the headlines this week are any indication… the next few months don’t look good for the U.S. economy… and the future looks downright awful for the average investor.

Ninety-one percent of U.S. CEOs anticipate a recession in the next 12 months, according to Big Four accounting firm KPMG…

Moody’s Analytics reports that the average U.S. consumer is paying nearly $500 more for the same goods and services than they did a year ago thanks to inflation… with little relief in sight.

And on top of that inflation, American workers think they’ll need to save at least $1.7 million for a comfortable retirement, according to a Charles Schwab study…

So assuming a 4% annual return in a 401(k), you’d need to save roughly $1,400 a month starting at age 25 and nearly $4,500 a month if you start saving at 40.

Put another way, a 25-year-old would need to save nearly $17,000 a year to have $1.7 million by retirement…

That’s about half the $34,684 median annual salary for that age group, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics…

And a 40-year-old would need to put away $54,000 a year on a $58,684 median annual salary – a feat that’s simply not attainable by the average investor.

Now, I’m not telling you all of this to be a Debbie Downer.

And I know many of you don’t need me to tell you just how hard it’s been to save for retirement in the last few years… but the reality is that most Americans today will not achieve their retirement dreams.

That’s why here at PBRG, we’re constantly looking for ways to get the most out of your investments…

I’m talking about the kinds of asymmetric opportunities where you invest a small amount for a shot at hundreds-of-percent gains – or more – without breaking the bank or waiting decades.

And right now, Daily editor Teeka Tiwari has his eye on an opportunity that could do just that… a shot at 30 years of wealth in the next 30 days. And that’s not an exaggeration.

Real investors have used this strategy on blue-chips like Coca-Cola, Whirlpool, and Caterpillar for real returns of 1,050%, 1,174%, and 1,700%, respectively – all in 30 days or less… and you can, too.

It’s all thanks to a market anomaly that only comes around once every few years… a 30-day window where the normal rules of investing are thrown out the window… and boring blue-chip stocks return decades of wealth in a fraction of the time.

So this Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET, Teeka is holding a free event where he’ll explain this anomaly in the market… and even give away the names of his top 3 blue-chips to take advantage of it.

All you have to do is click here to reserve your spot… and then join Teeka Wednesday night at 8 p.m. ET.

Do you have enough money (or time) to spend decades squirreling away $17,000–54,000 per year to fund your dream retirement?

If the answer is no, then you’ve got nothing to lose by joining Teeka this Wednesday night.


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Chaka Ferguson
Editorial Director, Palm Beach Daily

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