Palm Beach Daily

Teeka Tiwari’s Confession

Jun 24, 2019
5 min read

I want to make a confession…

I haven’t talked to you enough in these pages.

You see, over the past three years, I’ve been on a worldwide mission to bring incredible investment research to Main Street:

  • I’ve hung out in Moscow with Russian oligarchs to find the next hot crypto idea.

  • I’ve hiked the highland jungles of Colombia with an armed security detail to tour remote cannabis fields.

  • And I’ve raced Porsches with sports car enthusiasts just to uncover a way for ordinary Joes to buy their own collection of vintage vehicles.

I’ve been away from home so often that my better half even thought I was cheating on her.

But in fact, I’ve been assembling a hedge fund-caliber team of analysts and researchers. It’s left me precious little time to talk to you on a daily basis.

And I want to change that…

My Story

Many of you already know my story. But if you don’t, I grew up in England’s foster care system—living without heat in a tiny room above a garage.

I dreamed of a better life…

I’d cut out photos of New York from travel brochures and tape them to the wall above my bed. I’d lay there saying to myself, “There has to be a better life than this one.”

Then, on July 9, 1987, I touched down in America at JFK International Airport—with only $150 in my pocket.

I worked three jobs. And I even offered to work for free on Wall Street until this guy named Frank gave me a shot. I started off as an assistant for the big-time brokers and eventually became one myself.

In two years, I became the youngest vice president in Shearson Lehman history. And after 15 years on Wall Street, I left to run my own successful hedge fund for a decade before retiring.

But here’s the thing… I had no one to help me. Along the way, I made many mistakes. Looking back, it would’ve been so much easier if I’d had a mentor to guide me.

And right now, I know there are others out there who are just one financial decision away from a better life. So I’m on a mission to bring them the investment opportunities that can help them turn everything around.

That’s why I’ve traveled the globe thrice over, missing my family for months on end: to make PBRG a publishing company unlike any other…

Our Secret Sauce

You see, most financial advisories are little more than stock “tip sheets.” But the secret to building wealth—and keeping it—is asset allocation.

It’s what I’ve done to build my own wealth. And it’s our “secret sauce” at PBRG.

Sure, my team and I search for the world’s best stocks. But unlike many other newsletters, we go off the beaten Wall Street path to find alternative ideas like cryptos… asymmetric assets… tax-lien investing… collectibles… and private placements.

That’s because various studies show that over 90% of a portfolio’s long-term returns are driven by asset allocation.

But it’s tricky to cover asset allocation in the investment newsletter business. That’s why 99.9% of our competitors don’t do it.

You need a world-class team. And I’ve put one together…

Meet My World-Class Team

As I’ve said, you’ll be seeing me more frequently in the Daily. But you’ll also hear more from my team of world-class analysts and editors, too…

  • Greg Wilson: Longtime readers know Greg as my right-hand man in the crypto space. He’s my chief analyst on Palm Beach Confidential and Crypto Income Quarterly. Greg has helped me uncover ideas like Monero, bitcoin, and ether. These recommendations are up 1,041%, 2,012%, and 2,858%, respectively. And he’s the first analyst I know of to bring the idea of crypto income to the masses. Since December 2018, the positions in our Crypto Income Quarterly portfolio are averaging 70% returns—plus an average yield of 14.5%.

  • Grant Wasylik: Prior to the newsletter business, Grant was a portfolio manager, research analyst, and head trader for a billion-dollar-plus wealth manager. He also worked in an elite risk-trading department for Charles Schwab, where he was the first-ever external hire. Grant’s rolodex of investment industry contacts is one of the deepest I’ve seen. I’m excited to have Grant as my chief analyst on The Palm Beach Letter.

  • Chaka Ferguson: Chaka’s my longtime managing editor. He’s covered the financial news industry for over five years. Before that, he was a journalist for many years at major publications like the Associated Press. He’ll keep you abreast of what’s going in the markets and how it affects the big trends my team and I are following.

Now, if I were still running a hedge fund, I’d snap them all up as quickly as I could. But as you know, I’m done managing money. Making the super rich even richer isn’t what I do anymore.

Instead, I’m more excited about helping everyday investors change their financial lives. After all, I’ve created more Main Street millionaires than any other newsletter writer in history.

And that’s what my team and I plan to do in the new version of the Daily

My Big Announcement

I’ve enjoyed spending the past three years researching great ideas for you—traveling to exotic locations, working my network of contacts, and meeting insiders.

But as I mentioned, I wanted a venue to bring these ideas to you every day. And that’s why I want to reintroduce you to Teeka Tiwari’s Palm Beach Daily.

In these pages, my team and I will share our best ideas to help you build your wealth and make life-changing gains. Plus, you’ll get investing insights from my vast network of affiliates.

And I also want to use this relaunch to extend a special invitation to you…

Live this Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET, I’ll reveal my most powerful wealth-building secret. It’s one I’ve used to see a small, $1,000 investment turn into as much as $1.6 million.

It’s a “sweetheart deal” in a market that Main Street has essentially been locked out of. And it’s the latest door I’ve kicked down to level the playing field for you.

We’re calling this special broadcast The Pocket Change Millionaire Summit. And I’m inviting you to join me for free.

Just click here to reserve your seat.

Alright friends, that’s enough out of me. And I want you to always remember…

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. If you have questions about the summit, just click here or the image below and enter your email address. My team will send you all the details.

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