Palm Beach Daily

Thanks to You, I Will Write a Check for $50,000 – I Couldn’t Be Happier

Aug 26, 2022
6 min read

Earlier this week, I held an online event in which I warned readers about a food shortage crisis that will affect millions of Americans… rich, poor, young, and old.

It’s a crisis partly driven by inflation, but its impact will be greater than anything we’ve experienced. (More on that in a moment…)

But unlike other online events I’ve hosted for Palm Beach Research Group, this one was very personal.

Leading up to the event, I promised to donate $1 per every individual who joined me – up to $50,000 – to Blessings of Hope, a charity on the frontlines of this crisis.

The Lancaster, Pennsylvania, non-profit organization provides more than 150,000 meals daily to families within a two-hour driving radius… and works with as many as 200 local food charities.

Below are pictures of Blessings of Hope CEO David Lapp and me…


Blessings of Hope CEO David Lapp and Teeka

So today, I want to say thank you to all who attended…

We had 12,505 unique people attend. And as you know, I promised to donate $1 per person that attended up to $50,000. I even convinced my friend Dave Zook from The Real Asset Investor to match me.

All in, that’s $25,010 in donations from Dave and me, plus $3,545.23 that you, my readers, have donated as well. That makes a grand total of $28,555.

And that’s awesome, but I think I should do more.

I live a blessed life, and so does my friend Dave. So I called Dave up and said, “We’re only on the hook for $12,505. Why don’t we round it up to $50,000 each?”

Dave didn’t even hesitate. “Let’s go make an impact,” he said.

And so, I’m going to donate $50,000. Dave will donate $50,000. And you, my readers, have donated $3,545.23 (so far).

That means Blessings of Hope will receive $103,545.23 from me, you, and Dave.

I couldn’t be happier to write the check.

Your generosity and support on this issue mean more to me than any newsletter subscription you might buy from me…

So again, thank you.

As I wrote last week, there was a period in the late ‘80s when I experienced food scarcity firsthand… and it had serious effects on my mental and physical health.

But there’s a difference between my personal experience and the food shortage crisis we’re facing today…

If I had gone to the grocery store back then, I would have found shelves stocked with fresh and canned food… but I was sacrificing food to make ends meet.

That’s not the case with today’s crisis… And millions of Americans have no idea what’s coming.

Empty Shelves and Nothing to Buy

For most Americans right now, inflation is the biggest crisis they’re facing. It’s affecting prices everywhere… from housing to energy to food.

But the problem with today’s food shortage crisis isn’t the rising price of things like milk or bread… it’s that there won’t be any to buy at all.

If you’ve lived in America your entire life, I know that’s probably hard to imagine…

Sure, we see the occasional empty grocery store shelf before a big storm or unexpected product shortage… but after a brief period, the shelves refill, and life goes on.

But imagine walking into a grocery store in America and seeing empty shelves week after week…

It won’t matter how much bread has gone up… or how much money you have… because there’s nothing to buy.

That’s the kind of food shortage we’re facing today…

When inflation kicks up the cost of things like diesel or natural gas, it has a domino effect on the industries that rely on those resources…

Everything becomes more expensive, including food transport and production.

Throw in the droughts and water scarcity we’ve experienced the last few years, and things get even worse.

As I wrote yesterday, there are farmers in the Midwest selling off herds of cattle because they can’t feed them or grow crops…

More than 97% of California is in severe drought. And California alone produces over 25% of America’s food.

The problem is so severe, the federal government is threatening to cut water use by 25% in drought-stricken states like Arizona, California, and Nevada.

Look, if farmers can’t plant or get crops out of the ground because it’s too expensive… or due to severe drought conditions… then there’s no food on the shelves.

So it’s no surprise that 80% of Americans are experiencing shortages at the grocery store.

Now, I know all of this sounds scary…

But I’m telling you so that you can prepare. We can’t afford to wait for the government or the Fed to “fix” inflation… things will only get worse in the meantime.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 38 million people, including 12 million children, in the United States are food insecure…

And the UN estimates more than 50 million people across 45 countries are already on the verge of famine. Another 345 million people are approaching starvation across more than 80 countries. That’s a 25% increase from the start of the year.

The crisis is so big, the UN warns food shortages could “destabilize” entire economies around the world.

So taking the right steps today will not only secure your family’s access to food as this crisis unfolds… it’ll also position you to come out of it wealthier than before.

Turning Crisis Into Opportunity

Helping readers prepare is why I held my Countdown to Catastrophe event earlier this week…

I told viewers about a pre-IPO company I believe is the best way to profit from this coming food crisis… one that’s pioneering a way to grow all sorts of produce without any soil.

In fact, a NASA scientist has been working with this startup to develop the tech further. This guy helped develop ways for astronauts to grow crops in space.

It’s truly groundbreaking.

Investors who get in before this company goes public have a chance to potentially make up to 42x their money… Private shares in this deal are 37 cents apiece with a minimum $500 investment.

But here’s the thing…

During the special event, I warned everyone this deal could fill up within 24 hours… And the demand was so great, it actually filled up a few hours after my event.

I’ve never seen a private deal fill up so quickly. It’s truly astounding and shows you the demand for this technology.

Here’s what’s important to know now: This doesn’t mean you’ve missed out on the chance to get in on this pre-IPO deal.

I’ve put out an urgent message to show you how to get on the waitlist for this opportunity. It’s on a first-come, first-serve basis. So you must act now.

Meanwhile, you can still obtain my free blueprint on preparing for this crisis – including the name and ticker symbol of a publicly traded company I believe will double in value as this crisis plays out.

I’ll also tell you which foods you should stock up on right now before they are gone from store shelves.

Friends, I’m no alarmist. And I sincerely hope I’m wrong about the coming shortages…

But if I’m right and you can’t find food… it’ll be even more difficult to take care of yourself and your family. Please don’t wait. I’ll give you more details on how to join the waitlist right here.

And then please read my free blueprint on how to prepare for this coming crisis.

Thank you again to everyone who joined me earlier this week… and if you’re interested in supporting Blessings of Hope and its fight against food scarcity, you can learn more here.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T

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