Palm Beach Daily

The “Final Halving” Could Be the Best Opportunity for Crypto Profits in 2022

Dec 6, 2021
5 min read

In my three decades as a Wall Street executive and hedge fund manager, I’ve learned many lessons.

One of the most important is to have the courage to stand by your convictions…

If you really want to be a successful investor, you can’t care what other people think. You must rely on your own judgment. And I’ve done that again, and again, and again.

Take the bitcoin halving, for instance…

If you’ve ever heard me talk about “halvings,” you know how lucrative these rare occurrences can be… because that’s when the supply of new bitcoin is cut in half, once every four years.

Before bitcoin’s halving in 2016, I recommended two coins. They soared as high as 14,619% and 53,500%.

In 2020, I held another halving event… at a time when the broader market looked more uncertain than ever. My readers saw gains of 5,121%.

And before a series of altcoin halvings in 2020, I recommended five more coins. Today, they’re up an average of 1,744% in less than two years… and the biggest winner is up nearly 4,000%.

If you missed out on these halvings, I have some bad news for you. The chance to make life-changing gains from them is over.

But I recently uncovered a kind of “secret” halving that’ll be bigger than all the other halvings combined.

You won’t hear about this secret halving in the mainstream press because they’re clueless about it. No Wall Street analyst is covering it because they have no idea it’s going on.

They’re not plugged into this space like I am.

But if I’m right about this halving, then the amount of new bitcoin coming to market will disappear. Not just halve… but disappear.

That’s why I’m coming to you with this urgent message today…

If You Had a Disease, Would You Turn Down the Cure?

Halvings are hardwired into bitcoin’s programming code. So, like clockwork, they’re 100% guaranteed to happen.

The first halving was in 2012… the second in 2016… and the most recent in March 2020.

That’s when I pounded the table to buy bitcoin at around $5,200. I said, “You’ve got to buy bitcoin. The halving is coming up, and bitcoin is going to move higher.”

Since then, bitcoin has soared as high as $68,789. If you put $1,000 in bitcoin when I was literally begging people to buy it… it’d be worth about $10,577 today. If stocks or gold did that, people would be dancing in the streets.

I’ve drilled this message to my readers this month for one simple reason: I believe bitcoin halvings present the single-best asymmetric opportunities in the crypto market today.

These are the types of ideas that can turn tiny grubstakes – literally $200–400 if you have a small portfolio, or $500–1,000 for a bigger portfolio – into life-changing gains.

They’re once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. You don’t get many chances to profit from them… And when they’re gone, they’re gone for good.

I get it. I know many of you are weary of hearing me pound the same message over and over. It sounds like a broken record.

But let me ask you a question…

If you had a disease and I had the cure, wouldn’t it be irresponsible of me not to share it with you? I would be doing you a disservice by keeping it to myself.

If your goal is a dream car… a vacation home at the beach… or a quality education for your children or grandchildren… wouldn’t I be doing you a disservice by withholding ideas that could help you achieve your goals?

My mission is to help more people become millionaires than any other newsletter editor. And I’m convinced the opportunities I’ve found in the crypto space can do that.

So I’m unapologetic about doing everything I can to make as many people as possible aware of my ideas… Even if that means pounding the table over and over.

Now, I understand some of you will still dismiss it…

I just ask that you hear me out and take a moment to learn why the coming secret halving could be the most profitable opportunity I’ve ever seen in the crypto market.

The Message You Need to Hear

The secret halving I’ve been researching is so rare, and the profit potential so powerful, I’m calling it the “Final Halving.”

And if my research is correct, we’ll see a 98% reduction in new bitcoin coming to market… and its effect on certain altcoins could pull forward 118 years of bitcoin halving gains in 2022.

Now, you may be saying, “But Tiwari, I thought halvings only occurred every four years. So wouldn’t the next halving be in 2024?”

This Final Halving is different. It’s not a pre-programmed, one-day supply drop like we’ve seen in the past. It’s unlike anything we’ve seen before. It has nothing to do with bitcoin’s code.

That’s why Wednesday night at 8 p.m. ET, I’ll explain exactly what it is… why it’s critical you act now… and discuss six explosive altcoins that will benefit from it.

You won’t find this research anywhere else. As far as I can tell, no one has figured this out yet. But come Wednesday night, the cat will be out of the bag.

The whole crypto space will know what we know, and they will take action with that knowledge.

Friends, I’ll continue to preach my message about crypto because it’s the only asset class I know of that can turn tiny grubstakes into a lifetime’s worth of wealth.

It levels the playing field between Wall Street and Main Street… Between you and the elite.

It’d be irresponsible of me not to preach this message. And I’m sure readers who’ve become millionaires because of my work appreciate my resolve…

So I’ll never apologize for bringing you a message I believe you should hear.

Folks, there’s still time to make life-changing gains in crypto. But if you delay, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

Click here to reserve your spot for Wednesday night’s event. It’s free to attend. Come with an open mind. And I’ll show you the power of the Final Halving.

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. Over the last two halvings, my altcoin recommendations have outperformed bitcoin by as much as 50 to 1.

So, if you missed out on those recommendations, this event could be your last chance to see these kinds of returns from a handful of tiny cryptos.

I’ll also be giving away my special report, “Teeka’s Guide to Halvings,” to event VIPs.

VIP status is absolutely free, but you must reserve your spot. Click here to learn more.

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